Chapter 2: Get Back

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Book 1: It Was A Mistake But I Am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Note: It has taken me SOO long to finish this chapter so I'm really really sorry, but here it is! I'm still not sure about this story because it was just a random idea so please vote and comment! I would love to get more comments so I really know what you think and if I should continue this. The more votes and comments the more I know I should continue.

Enjoy! :)

Chapter 2: Get Back

I wanna get back, get back….

            Something was off the next day at school. I couldn’t put my finger on it. Bethany picked me up like she always did and picked up Melanie last. We walked into school and nothing seemed different about that. The day was really normal until the second period came. A riot started in the hallway. Bethany made room for the three of us so we could be in front. She loved drama. By the time we go to the riot Kayla was already on the ground. Her hair was a mess and had pieces of paper stuck in it. It made me feel really bad for her, but I think I’m the only one who showed any sympathy. I looked at Bethany and Melanie next to me and they were laughing in pure amusement. I looked around at the rest of the students and they were all laughing too… except two of them. I looked at Anastasia and she had the same look I did, but she couldn’t stop it. She couldn’t go up against her brother. She would never win. The other one I noticed was Zane’s best friend Dylan. He looked angry alright, but not at Kayla. His anger looked like it was directed towards Zane. It was almost disgust. I looked back at Anastasia and she just nodded. It was a disturbing sight to see. It took all the energy I have to hide what I was really feeling. Luckily the bell rang and we all scattered to separate classrooms.

            I saw Kayla again at lunch. Bethany and Melanie were in the locker room when I finished eating.  I was on my way to meet them when I saw Kayla in the hallway. A few students bumped into her and walked away. Her books fell to the ground. I looked around me to make sure no one was watching before walking over to her and picking up one of her books. We bent down at the same time to get it. The sleeve on her hoodie slid up and I saw a few cuts. It’s not possible is it? I mean, I thought about self-harming a few times, but I never did. I guess I wasn’t getting bullied as bad as Kayla is. She quickly pulled her sleeve back down and grabbed the book from me. She pushed passed me before we could say another word to each other. I tried not to think about it and pushed it out of my memory so I could finish the rest of the day. Bethany could always tell when me or Melanie was distracted and thinking about something she didn’t want us thinking about.

            I walked into the locker room and got changed for gym class. A class Bethany claimed was our favorite because it was an easy A. It’s only easy for her because it’s all sports. I guess that should be good news for me too because Bethany spends the summers making sure Melanie and I stay in shape. When we walked into the gym everyone in class was already separated into cliques. This week was gymnastics week and Bethany, Melanie, and I were in charge of the class. The only sport that the teacher doesn’t know a lot about is gymnastics and Bethany happens to be an expert. All the mats were already set out and Bethany, Melanie, and I stood in front of the class and helped with stretches.

“Okay everyone,” Bethany bellowed to the class, “Maria will be on the long mats to help with tumbling passes, Melanie will be on the other mats to help with dancing and flexibility, and I will walk around and to make sure things are going smoothly. Now go.”

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