Chapter 19: Don't Forget

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Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate  <---- this book ;)

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Chapter 19: Don’t Forget

Did you forget

That I was even alive?

Did you forget

Everything we ever had?

Did you forget?

Did you forget

About me?

            I couldn’t let Kayla take the fall…or... bullet. Everyone was going everywhere at once as soon as the trigger was pulled. Dylan and the nurse were trying to wheel Kayla away, but they wouldn’t have been fast enough. While they were distracted, I quickly stepped in front of the path of the bullet. Everyone’s been saying it’s up to Kayla to fix this, and maybe it is, but all of us had a part in this. I am one of the first people who ever stood up for her. All I wated to be was her friend and I was okay with getting bullied for that. I was also okay with taking a bullet for her.

            It felt like I was standing there forever. I’ve always heard that’s how moments like this were. Nobody was watching me. They were all concentrated on either Zane or Kayla so I knew that no one was going to stop me. I didn’t want them to. It was either me getting shot or Kayla and I wasn’t going to let it be Kayla. When the bullet finally hit me, I got a surge of pain in my left side. It made me fly back what seemed like many feet and I hit the ground, not able to breathe. Between the fall and the bullet, the wind was knocked out of me…and I was unconscious. Before I closed my eyes, I looked over at my left and saw Kayla fighting to get to me. I smiled with the little energy that was left in me. Kayla was safe.

The next time I woke up I was staring at a hospital ceiling.


I looked over and I was in a bed next to Kayla.

I smiled, “Kayla, you’re okay.”

“Yeah I’m okay. Are you okay?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied, “I feel okay now, but I haven’t moved yet.”

“That’s probably not a good idea. Wait for a nurse.”

“Yeah good call,” I smiled. “So did it work?”

She laughed a little, “You just woke up from having a bullet removed from your side and that’s the first thing you ask me?”

“I already know you’re okay so that was my next thought.”

“I’m not sure it’s going to work like we thought it would, but Zane is in jail. The cops showed up after the shooting and arrest them all.”

“All?” I asked. Oh no, Anastasia. She finally stood up for Kayla and now she’s arrested for it.

“I think so, I wasn’t really pay attention,” she admitted, “I was kind of distracted.”

Before I could respond, Anastasia walked into our room. Thank God she’s okay.

“Mar?” she asked.

“Anastasia…” I said.

“I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“What are you doing here?” I asked her.

“I need to say something.”

“Didn’t they arrest you?”

“They did at first, but at the police station everyone told their story and they let me go. They actually thanked me for what I did, but I feel like I didn’t do anything. You’ve been telling me this whole time, but I didn’t listen. You were my best friend Mar… and I love you.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I’m so proud of her.

“It’s okay. You were sticking up for your brother. He’s the last family you have left. You didn’t think you had a choice.”

“But I did and I feel horrible! I am so sorry it took me a year to realize what you told me was true.”

“What do you mean what I said?”

“The last day we were friends, everything you told me. It was all true!”

Anastasia started crying which made me feel even worse for being so mad at her this whole time, “It’s okay Ann, it’s all going to turn out okay. You’ve always been my best friend, I love you. I just needed my space, I needed to stand up for myself and Kayla and I couldn’t keep talking to you knowing you would never do that.”

“I am now,” she said, “I’m sorry for being such a chicken; for being so scared of my brother. I don’t know who I am without him.”

“I’m sure Kayla and Demi can help you with that. They are experts by now.”

“Really?” Anastasia asked and turned her attention to Kayla.

“Of course,” she said, “But Demi is more of an expert than I am. Maybe we can have another party like the one we had to make the video. You’re a part of us now.”

“I can’t believe you’re so willing to include me. After everything I did to you, I mean I stabbed you.”

“No,” Kayla said, “Your brother did. You are not your brother. You are nothing like him. You just didn’t want to lose him so you obeyed him. That’s completely different.”

“Thank you,” she said, “I will never be able to repay you.”

“Don’t worry about it. Everything happens for a reason. It only makes you stronger. I’m glad to have gained a new friend. It’s been happening a lot lately. It reminds me I’m not a horrible person like I thought I was.”

“You were never a horrible person,” Anastasia said, “We were. My brother, his friends and I were. It had nothing to do with you. We had our own problems.”

            For the next few weeks Anastasia kept us company. Anastasia even started staying with Kayla because she was scared to go home. I can’t say I blame her. The nurses at the hospital even moved in a cot between my bed and Kayla’s bed so she can sleep in the hospital room with us. Whenever Kayla was asleep, Demi would slip into the room and talk about the party she was playing for Kayla when all of us get out of the hospital. She has a lot planned, and Kayla’s going to freak out when she finds out. She’s going to love it.



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Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now