Chapter 4: Gift of a Friend

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It was a Mistake, but I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here we go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Note: This story is still fairly new but I'm glad there are a few people who like it. So please continue to vote and comment if you're reading it! The more votes and comments I get the more I will update :)

And excuse the typos. I didn't edit it. lol

Enjoy! :)

Chapter 4: Gift of a Friend

Someone Who knows When Your Lost and Your Scared

There through The Highs and The Lows

Someone you can count on

Someone Who Cares

Besides You Where Ever You Go

You'll Change Inside

When You


The World Comes To Life

and Everythings bright

From Beginning To End

When You Have a Friend

By Your Side

That Helps You To Find

The Beauty you are

When You'll Open Your Heart and

Believe in

The Gift of a Friend

            The tension built as we got closer to the school. I know they are expecting us. Bethany and Melanie were probably waiting outside the school doors for us to show up. Dylan pulled into the school parking lot and parked in his usual spot in front.

I started to get out of the car, but Dylan stopped me.

“What?” I asked.

“Let me open your door.”

“Right… we’re dating.”

He chuckled, “Yeah but don’t worry. We’ll get through the day.”

“Yeah maybe you think so.”

He put his bag around his shoulders and walked to the other side of the car to open the door for me. He held out his hand to help me and I took my bag with the other hand. He kept his hold on my hand as we walked towards the school. He mumbled that he’d see me later when we approached Bethany and he walked in the school to find his friends.

“What happened?” Bethany asked.

“Are you dating?” Melanie asked following Bethany’s question.

I put on my fake smile and replied, “Yeah we are.”

“This is great!” Bethany exclaimed.

“Why?” I asked her.

“You know why,” she bumped me; “our groups are one now. We get to rule the school.”

“Right,” I smiled, “we rule the school.”

            She hooked her arm with mine and she pulled me towards the school. Melanie followed closely behind as we walked in the school. It seemed to feel like a movie every time we walked in school. I’m sure we’re the only ones who ever wore heels to school. We started strutting down the hallways as all the other students kept their eyes on us. We finally got to our lockers when Dylan stopped me.

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now