Chapter 8: U Got Nothin' On Me

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Note: Here is the next chapter! I'm excited for this story, but it's taking me a while to update all my stories so it probably won't be updated that often, but enjoy! 

Chapter 8: U Got Nothin’ On Me

Now I know who you are

U got nothing on me, I see

I should've known it from the start

(U got nothing on me)

You can't tell me lies

Don't even try 'cause

This is...

Goodbye to broken promises

Time to face your carelessness

Don't bore me with apologies

Or come back crawling on

your knees

U got nothin' on me, U got nothin' on me

I know who you are

Yeah, I see I should've known it from the start

You can't tell me lies

Don't even try 'cause,

This is goodbye          

She left just like I told her to. She didn’t even fight it after I yelled at her. Good. I don’t want her to come back. If Anastasia and Dylan and everyone else at that school can’t see how wrong bullying is then I don’t want to know any of them. This is my summer. It’s my time to learn who I am so I can return to school stronger than I’ve ever been before. Everything is about to change.

“Hey honey,” Mom came in after knocking on the door gently, “Are you okay?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know.”

“Was that Anastasia?”

I nodded.

“I actually came in here to ask you about something,” she said.

“About what?” I asked.

“Your aunt and your cousin Nicole work at a clothing store in New York City and they were wondering if you wanted to stay there for a summer. They said they can get you a job at the store they work at.”

I smiled, “Mom did you ask them to do this?”

“I just think it would be good for you to get out of here for a while. Out of this whole place and start fresh.”

I sighed, “I was just thinking the same thing.”

Mom’s face lit up, “Good. I’ll arrange it.”

“When will I leave?”

“In a few days. I wanted to give you time to pack your things. Your aunt’s paying for the ticket.”

“Mom if we can’t afford this I can just stay here.”

She shook her head, “You need this. Your aunt doesn’t mind. Besides, you’ll be getting job experience and you can see that the world isn’t like it is in your school. You need that, Maria. I hate seeing you this upset.”

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now