Chapter 28: Believe in Me

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate <-- this book ;)

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Chapter 28: Believe in Me

I'm quickly finding out
I'm not about to break down
Not today
I guess I always knew
That I had all the strength to make it through

Not gonna be afraid
I'm going to wake up feeling
And know that I'm okay
Cause everyone's perfect in unusual ways
So you see, now, now I believe in me.

“DAVID!” Kayla yelled as she walked into the house.

            We’ve all been gathered in David’s, or Kayla’s, house for an hour now waiting for Kayla to show up. Demi and David started planning this party months ago and even asked a few of us to help. Jack and I showed up an hour before it started to put up decorations, and Anastasia followed along since she’s still been living with me. It’s been a year since Jack asked me to be his girlfriend and we are still going strong. He got me a collaged picture for Christmas including one really beautiful photo of the two of us. He said he wanted the picture to symbolize how strong I’ve gotten since I first moved here. He was right because that’s exactly what I see when I look at the picture, but I also see how happy I’ve gotten. My parents gave the okay for Anastasia to live with us and that’s where she’s been ever since. She made a deal with my parents and she helps pay for some things with the job she got at the mall.

            My friendship with Kayla grew over how much we had in common. Kayla let all of us in Lovato is Louder listen to her music first before releasing any of it. When her first official single Ferris Wheel went platinum David asked them to keep it quiet until the party because it would be the perfect time to tell her, and luckily everyone agreed. The Lovato is Louder group is gathered on the stage with her frame. We waited for David to turn on the lights and when he did we all shouted, “LOVATO IS LOUDER!” Kayla laughed and hugged Demi as she ran on the stage. The crowd more pushed her on the stage, but she didn’t seem to mind. We gave over the frame and a photographer was ready to take lots of pictures of the moment. We left the stage after the pictures and I stood next to Jack and Anastasia and watched. David handed Kayla the microphone and Kayla sang Ferris Wheel. I guess we all have something to celebrate tonight. It’s not just about Kayla; it’s about the journey we’ve all took starting with the bullying at our school. We were able to stop the bullying and really succeed in school and life. That’s something we should all be proud of ourselves for.

Round and round
I’m spinnin like a Ferris Wheel
High and Low
Until I can’t feel the ground.

Rising up,
Just to get knocked down
High and Low

Not wanting to step off.

            It was Demi’s turn to sing after Kayla was finished and Kayla went down and stood next to Anastasia. We all started dancing as Demi’s sang her newest single. Jack pulled me away from the group a little bit and put his arms around me. Life has been so amazing to all of us; I don’t want any of it to end. Jack kissed the side of my head and we danced alone for most of the party. Towards the end David ran on stage and interrupting the song that was playing. Dylan and Kayla went up on stage after him.

“We have an announcement,” David told all of us. “Dylan?”

“Okay what’s going on?” I could hear Demi ask.

“Kayla, I’m in love with you,” Dylan said. We all cheered and Dylan continued his speech, “You never left me or forgot about me when all this fame started happening. I am so proud of everything that you have accomplished. You were able to stay strong through all of this. I wanted you to have this promise ring as a promise that I want to marry you someday.”

He held out a box and I could see Kayla’s face turning really red in embarrassment. She smiled all the same and replied, “I’m in love with you too. Thank you!”

Dylan kissed her before she could say anything else and we cheered even louder. They really are the perfect couple. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Okay,” David said, “Now onto my announcement.”

David got down on one knee in front of Demi, and we all gasped in the audience. David didn’t tell us any of this when he was planning the party. Demi’s face turned red just like Kayla’s was and we could all tell she wasn’t expecting a proposal tonight. David opened the box and showed Demi the engagement ring.

“Demi, you’re incredible. We’ve been dating for over a year, and I love you. Will you marry me?”

David was shaking in nervousness and Demi was speechless for a few seconds, but after that she screamed, “Yes!”

David spun her around in excitement and kissed her before putting the ring on her finger. Demi tackled Kayla in a hug next. While they celebrated the music was turned back on and Jack and I danced to the slow song that played through the speakers.

“I can’t believe it’s been over a year since all this started happening.”

“Me either,” Jack said. “It’s crazy.”

“I love it,” I smiled.

“And pretty soon we’ll all be leaving for college.”

I looked up at him, “Why do you say it like it’s a bad thing?”

“Because it is; we’re all going to be going our separate ways and nothing will be the same.”

“But it will still be good,” I tightened my grip on him. “It’ll just be another chapter in our lives. It’s going to be just as great as this one. I’ll believe in you just like you believed in me this whole time.”

He smiled and kissed me, “I’ll always believe in you.”



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and kayla @itsKaylaDane

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now