Chapter 10: Skyscraper

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Book 1: It was a Mistake but I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate ------ This book! :) 

Chapter 10: Skyscraper

Note: Covers Chapters 1-2 in It was a Mistake but I am Unbroken Now. If you're paying attention to how close this is to the first book, only chapters 1-2 had to do with Kayla at school. Then chapters 3-6 she's at home getting help and doesn't go back to school until almost chapter 7. So there will probably be a couple chapters without Kayla for a while so we can see where Maria was during all this. 

Anyway, I'm glad everyone's liking this story and I'm still really excited for it. I was going to wait a while to post this, but I was way too excited about this chapter. I really like it and I hope you do too.

Remember to vote and give me lots of feedback on the story :)


Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed

All my windows, still are broken, but I'm standing on my feet

You can take everything I have

You can break everything I am

Like I'm made of glass

Like I'm made of paper

Go on and try to tear me down

I will be rising from the ground

Like a skyscraper

            The rest of my summer was a dream come true. I didn’t think about anybody back home the entire summer. I got work experience at the clothing store and earned a discount on all their clothing. There were even a few times when celebrities would walk in to buy clothes and Nicole and I would ask for a picture with them. The summer changed my perspective on everything because everyone treated me like a person. I wasn’t the freak or the loser or any of the other names Bethany came up with. I could just be me. I think Nicole enjoyed her summer too. Living together made us feel like sisters and both of us became a lot happier.

            I received a few more messages from Anastasia and Bethany, but I started deleting all of them and eventually they stopped. I’m glad they gave up messaging me because it made it a lot easier to ignore them and get them out of my head.

            I did exactly what I told Nicole I would do at the beginning of the summer. I let myself get stronger. I breathed in the New York air and let myself forget that home was completely across the country from here. I love all the tall buildings, all the bright lights, all the large advertisement boards, taxis driving everywhere, and millions of people running around like crazy. They had advertisements for movies, music, plays, books, stores, companies, and even famous people. There’s a craziness and excitement about it that I can’t find anywhere else, especially where I’m from. Living there for the summer made me realize that I wanted to live in a big city someday. Maybe after I graduate high school and go to college I can move to New York City. My parents would hate to be so far away, but I felt exhilarated in New York. I felt alive and I felt like myself for the first time in a long time.

            School started at the beginning of September and I got on a flight to go back home at the end of August. I still wanted time to get used to the time change and get settled into my room before school starts. The school mailed us our schedules and I got myself settled into my house again. My parents immediately noticed a difference about me and they were happy that I seemed so okay again. It’s something they haven’t seen in me in a very long time.

Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate - Demi Lovato Spin-off Story - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now