Chapter 24: Really Don't Care

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It was a Mistake But I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love is Loud Enough to Stop Hate <--- this book ;)

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in Me

Note: My vacation I was supposed to go on was cancelled for reasons I cannot discuss which means I will be able to continue writing and posting. 

Enjoy! :)

and follow me on twitter @StrongLovaticJB

follow Kayla too! @itsKaylaDane

and vote and comment on this chapter and spread the word about these stories to your friends! :)

Chapter 24: Really Don’t Care

But even if the stars and moon collide,

I never want you back into my life,

You can take your words and all your lies,

Oh, oh oh! I really don't care!

“Maria, can I talk to you?”

I continued walking down the school hallways as Bethany followed me.


“It’s just for a second.”


“I need to get something off my chest.”

I spun around, “Oh? So when I’m upset and mad you can only be bothered to bully me more, but when you have something on your mind we all have to stop what we’re doing and listen? I don’t think so that’s not how it works with me anymore.”

“Just give me a minute.”

I smiled, “No.”

“Maria –“

“Don’t Maria me,” I told her. “Go to hell.”

            I turned around and continued walking down the hallway again. I shook my head as I got to my locker and put in my combination. I opened my locker and set my biology books on the shelf. I grabbed my math books and closed my locker again.


I turned my head and Jack was there.


“What’s wrong?”

“Bethany just got done talking to me… or attempting to.”


I nodded.

“What did she want?” he asked.

I sighed, “I really don’t know. She said she had to talk to me and the conversation ended with me telling her to go to hell.”

He chuckled, “Good for you.”

“I’m done dealing with all her bullshit. I can’t take it anymore. We finally won and got rid of the bullies here and now she’s trying to make her way back into my life. It’s not going to happen.”

“Trust me, nobody in the LovatoIsLouder group would allow you to let Bethany back into your life.”

I smiled, “That’s a relief.”

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