Movie Night.

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Castiel = regular writing

Dean = Italics

Sam = Bold

"But Dean why would she just drop him off somewhere? I thought she loved him, why would she do that Dean?" Cas's eyes were filled with tears waiting to be released.

The three men have been sitting there on the couch watching movies all night. Castiel begged to watch Fox And The Hound, with much refusal by the two men Cas got what he desired.

"Cause Cas, Todd was only causing trouble."

"So if I would cause trouble would you leave me?" Tears began to fall from his face, quickly wiping them away he ran towards his room and slammed the door. Leaving the brothers with open mouths and wide eyes.

"You better go tend to your boyfriend Dean."

"H-H-He's n-not my B-B-Boy-Boyfriend."

"Sure Dean, Sure" Sam looked towards Dean and gave his best Bitch face.



Dean made his way towards Cas's door. Approaching, he could hear faint sobs coming from the other side of the door. Reaching out he grabbed the handle and opened the door, revealing a small body curled up in the cornor.

"Cas?" Dean's voice was currently filled with worry and sadness. It's not everyday when an ex-angel makes his heart break.

"J-J-Jus-Just Go A-Away" He tensed up when he felt a pair of arms turn him and press him into a warm embrace.

Cas wrapped his arms around the hunters body and buried his head in the crook of his neck. Letting chocked up sobs come out every once in a while.

He felt the hunters hands soothingly rub his back in circles.

"It's okay Cas, it's just a movie. It's not real angel"

"Are you going to leave me too?"

"Of course not Cas. I would never! You're family Cas, you never leave your family."


"I promise."

Dean pressed his lips on the ex-angels temple and brought him to bed. Where he would soon fall asleep with his broken angel in his arms.

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