Young Destiel AU

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This chapter is dedicated to all the lovelies who decide to read these one shots and continue to write little comments overtime! I greatly appreciate them all! No matter if I don't reply to all of them, I do read all of them and all put a big smile on my face! And to all those silent readers I see you! Don't think I don't appreciate you guys too! We're nearly at flipping 35k reads you guys!!!! THANK YOU!!!! 

"Hello Mrs. Winchester." Castiel greeted as she opened the door.

"Aww, Hello Castiel! How are you doing today?"

"I'm okay, I guess with what's happening that is. Do you mind if I stay here tonight?" Castiel asked.

"Of course hunny! Dean's up in his room." Mary said, giving Castiel a tight hug before watching him walk up the stairs. 

Castiel glanced up the side of the staircase, looking at all the pictures that were hung up of the Winchester family. He smiled at the moments that they shared together and smiled when he saw a picture of himself and Dean on their first day of High School. Mary insisted on taking a new photo of them two on the first day of school. 

He walked up the rest of the stairs and silently made his way towards Dean's room and knocked quietly on his door. 

"Mom! I said I wasn't hungry!" Dean yelled as he swung the door open. 

"Cas?" Dean asked. 

"Why are you not eating Dean!?!" Castiel asked worried for his best friend. 

"I'm just not hungry that's all." Dean answered looking down to the floor. 

"You're listening to them again aren't you Dean?" Castiel asked softly. He walked into the room and silently closed the door before grabbing Dean by the arm and bringing him into a soft hug.

"You're perfect Dean! Everything about you! Don't listen to Crowley and his idiot friends. Please." 

"Their right though! I am fat and disgusting! I'm nothing but a disgrace! That's why my father left! He left cause he didn't want a gay son! I deserve to be hurt everyday and no one can tell me differently!" Dean was cut off when he felt a pair of soft lips being pressed onto his own softly. 

He relaxed into the kiss and kissed Castiel back. 

"Listen to me Dean Winchester! You are the most beautiful person i've ever seen and you will not tell me other wise! You're father left cause you were gay! He left you, your brother and your mom cause he couldn't stand having a gay son! And you know what! Good riddance to him! He did not deserve your love nor your mom's love! He is and will always be a horrible person because instead of loving this beautiful boy in front of me he chose to be an asshole and leave the people that loved him! He doesn't deserve to have you guys in his life! Every inch of you is perfect to me Dean and I will tell you that everyday until you believe me. Even when you begin to believe me I will still tell you how much you mean to me! God! I love you Dean Winchester!" Castiel yelled, causing Mary to come running up the stairs to come see what the ruckus was all about. She opened the door just to be able to see her son grab his best friend and kiss him passionately and start crying. 

She watched as Castiel grabbed her son and pulled them down to the floor and pull Dean into his arms wrapping him up tightly and letting him cry into his neck. 

Castiel looked up and smiled at Mary, which she returned and came and sat next to the two boys. 

"Maybe I should go." Castiel said.


Castiel smiled and returned to his previous position. 

"Dean, i'll never leave you. I love you to much to do that to you." Castiel whispered in his ear. 

"Come on, let's go to bed." Castiel finished as he brought Dean into his arms and picking him up bridal style causing Dean to smile and giggle a little. 

The two boys laid in bed in each others arms that night. No words were spoken the rest of the night, the small kisses and circles being rubbed into their backs were enough. 

The next morning when Castiel woke up alone in Dean's bed, he went downstairs to see Dean stuffing his face with food. 

"Morning Cas!" Sam screamed, causing Dean to turn around with a wide smile on his face.

"Morning Beautiful." Castiel whispered in his ear as he pressed a small kiss on Dean's cheek, causing little Sammy to gag. 

"Hey Cas?" 

"Yes Dean?" 

"I love you too." Dean said. 

"I love you forever." Castiel finished. 

YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS!!! Here's an update! I hope you guys like this one and continue to read! 

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians!!!

Also I'm getting another tattoo this week so expect a photo soon! God this will be my 5th one!!! 

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