Screaming Like a 9 Year Old Girl.

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It was finally Halloween, a holiday that Castiel had been waiting for for many months. It's been almost 8 months since he'd become human and has been learning how to be a human.

He was getting the hang of things now, but he'd still creep up into Dean's room at night and ask him some questions, which Dean would just smile and answer him.

One night, it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning when Dean was awoken to screams coming from the room in front of his. He jumped out of the bed and rushed to his best friends door. He pushed open the door and ran towards Castiel. He brought the ex-angel into his arms and they both fell asleep together in the safety of each other's arms. Which would turn into a regular occurrence for the two men.

So here they were, cuddled onto the couch in the bunker watching Horror movies. Castiel had his head resting on Dean's chest, Dean's arms wrapped around his waist tightly. No! Of course he wasn't scared!

Sam smiled at his brother and friend. They looked so happy, he sighed and retuned his attention to the movie that was currently playing. Saw 6. SAW MOTHER EFFING 6! This was the worst one! It was so predictable! He looked towards Dean and watched as Dean's arms tightened around his best friends waist.

Castiel sighed and buried head deeper into Dean's chest and smiled. Of course he loved Dean. He knew that Dean cared for him also but it wasn't that simple to express his thoughts to Dean. Dean had always been the type of person to pretend like everything was fine and hated speaking about his feelings. It was just hard to think about the rejection.

His thoughts soon came to a stop when a loud girlish scream was heard. Castiel jumped up from Dean and watched as Dean's face went from being pale to being bright red.

"Dean? Are you okay?" Castiel asked genuinely worried.

"Um, yeah I'm fine why?" Dean asked, trying to play it cool but failing as his voice cracked.

"Cause you screamed like a 9 year old girl!" Sam screamed and starting laughing loudly and uncontrollably.

Dean pushed Castiel off of him and walked to room, slamming his door in the process. Castiel shot a look at Sam and attempted to give him one of his best bitch faces.

Castiel got up from the couch and made his way to Dean's door and paused when he heard sniffling from the other side. He knew Dean wouldn't answer the door if he knocked so he tried the handle and to his surprise it wasn't locked. He cracked open the door to reveal Dean crying on his bed.

Castiel was surprised to say the least. Why would Dean be crying over something this little? It didn't seem like this was his Dean. Although he knew this was the Dean he was in love with at the same time.

"Dean? What's wrong?" Castiel asked, he made his way to Dean's bed and slowly lied down on the bed next to him. He grabbed Dean's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Dean's waist bringing him into a tight embrace.

"Nothing's wrong." Dean said, tears still slipping from his eyes.

"Please tell me Dean." Castiel asked.

"Why? It's not like you'll understand Cas! You just became human 8 months ago." Dean snapped, he tried to wiggle out of Castiel's embrace but failed as Cas tightened his arms.

"You are correct Dean. I do not understand a lot of things but one thing I do know is that you are the most important person in the entire world to me. I know that you don't believe me but it's true Dean. I went behind gods back and fought with YOU. I killed my brothers and sisters to protect YOU. I did everything for YOU!" Castiel yelled.

"I never asked you! Why would you do all that for someone like me!" Dean screamed back. Castiel didn't even realize that Dean had managed to get out of his arms and was now face to face with the Winchester.

"BECAUSE I LOVE you!" Castiel screamed, his voice softened at the end. He looked away from Dean and sighed.

"You love me?" Dean asked.

"Always have. Always will." Castiel answered. "I know you don't love me back and that's okay but just know that I care deeply about you Dean and nothing will change that. Please tell me what's wrong. I know it wasn't because Sam called you a 9 year old girl. So what's wrong?" Castiel asked.

Dean sighed and looked towards the wall. He licked his lips and looked back to Castiel.

"When I was a little boy. I told my dad that there was a boy at school that was cute. I said that he was really nice to me and i wanted him to e my boyfriend. My dad flipped out and beat me that day saying that he wouldn't have a gay son. He said that he didn't want a 9 year old daughter. He said that if I didn't change then he would kill me. I couldn't leave Sammy all by himself so I pretend to like the girls at school. I started dating them just to get my dad off my back. He still wasn't satisfied, he forced me to sleep with his friend's daughter, told me that if I didn't he would hurt Sammy. So I did and she told everyone. But.. Never mind." Dean confessed.

"Your dad was an asshole Dean! He did not deserve you nor Sam. No father should ever say those things to his child. Even my own father would never say these things. He loves all his children no matter what. Dean you are beautiful, and not just to look at. When I first saw your soul, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire existence. Your personality is amazing Dean. You put everyone before yourself and no matter who they are. You've saved the world so many times Dean, yes you've made mistakes yourself but so has everyone else." Castiel said, kissing the top of Dean's head.

"You really think Cas?" Dean asked.

"I wouldn't lie to you Dean. You know you can trust me with anything right?" Castiel asked.

"I know, and Cas?" Dean asked.


"I love you too. I'm sorry I never tell you but I do. It's just hard to say ya know." Dean said.

"I understand. Do you want to go back to watch the movie?" Castiel asked, a smirk plastered on his face.

"You're a dick."

"You are what you eat." Castiel said, he smiled and looked at Dean.

"Same." Dean whispered. Dean leaned down and placed a small kiss on Castiel's lips and smiled.

"Will you go out on a date with me Cas?" Dean ask.

"Of course I will Dean. But just one thing though." Cas said.


"I never knew your voice went that high." Castiel smiled and kissed his cheek before grabbing his Winchester's hand and bringing him back to the living room where the resumed there previous cuddling positions and watched the movie.

"So, are you guys a thing or?" Sam asked.

"Um, I uh." Dean was cut of when Sam began to speak up again.

"Cause if you are then can you guys keep it down with the sex noises, I really don't need to hear anymore of your grunts and moans Dean." Sam said smiling.

"You don't mind?" Dean asked.

"Of course not! I'm happy you finally grew a vagina (A/N: I know usually its grew a pair (balls) but let's be serious! Vagina's are hella strong as fuck and god bless the female population for not turning into serial killers with all that pain!) and asked him out." Sam said.



"Assbutt." Castiel said, causing the two men to erupt with laughter.

"Never change Cas." Dean said placing another kiss on his future boyfriends lips.

Sam smiled at the sight. " Yeah never change Cas." Sam agreed.

YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS! HERE'S AN EFFING UPDATE BITCHES!! I hope you like it and you probably already saw but go watch Troye Sivan's Blue Neighbourhood Trilogy on youtube! I CRIED LIKE THE LTTLE BITCH THAT I KNEW I WAS!

Thanks for all your guys/ Girls/ Human beings that do not need a gender label for all the support!

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