New Kid. (Part 1)

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This chapter is dedicated to KnightOfHell_Cami for being the first to vote on the previous chapter. Thanks for all the support Girl!

Dean's P.O.V

"Did you hear that theres a new kid today?" Lucifer said, a devilish smile on his face.

"Yeah I heard, who cares?" Dean asked, slightly confused at the jocks comment.

"Well rumors has it, he's a faggot." Dean cringed at the word. No one knew he liked men too. Sure he dated only women but he still liked the thought of a man lying next to him in the morning.

The only person that knew was his little brother Sammy. Sammy accepted him right away saying I don't care now leave me alone I'm trying to read Jerk. Sammy was his best friend, he would do anything for that boy.

"Who cares if he likes guys or not!" Dean spat. His eyes widend, why hell did i say that!

"Awhh do we another fag here?" Dean's face turned a bright shade of pink, stuttering a quick no, though sounding like a muffled moan. "OH LOOK EVERYONE WE HAVE A LITTLE FAGGOT HERE!" Lucifer's voiced echoed, making every student near to look at Dean.

Everyone was so focused on the words coming from Lucifer they didn't even notice the boy with light brown hair wearing a trench coat with bright blue eyes looking at them.

The boy's eyes met with Green, giving a sympathetic smile. The boy began to walk away, except not in the other direction. He was walking towards him and for some reason his heart began to beat faster. This boy was beautiful. Everything about him was perfect.

The boy came up to Dean, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "My name is Castiel, would you like to show me around? You seem to need to get away from everyone?"

"Yeah, I would love to Cas." Dean whispered back, walking away from a confused group of jocks.

So this is going to be a multiple chapter story, probably be 1 or 2 more parts.

Vote! Comment! Kiss a Giraffe! I don't even know!

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