Sorry There Sammy.

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This chapter is dedicated to none other then.... @Thetwinprophets, cause their awesome as fuck! Thanks for voting and commenting on almost every single chapter yesterday and today! I was looking forward to reading your comments as soon as I got the notification!

Sam had finally had enough courage to ask Jess out on a date and he was running back to his dorm room to tell Cas everything.

He saw the Impala parked out front and he smiled. Dean was there to visit him again and he couldn't have been anymore happier at that moment.

He ran up the 4 flights of stairs and unlocked his door. He finally managed to open it and he ran inside searching for Dean or Cas to tell them the good news.

The bathroom door opened wide and Cas came out, a towel wrapped around waist.

"Sam you are early from the library?" Cas asked.

"I came to tell you something!! Jess finally agreed to go on a date with me!" Sam said excitedly.

Dean came running out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Sammy! You said you would call me the minute she says yes! I feel insulted now!" Dean yelled, a smile tugging on his lips.

"What?! You. Cas. Shower. Visiting. Shower. Together!" Sam said, he was shocked to say the least.

Dean's eyes widened as he remembered what Cas and himself were doing moments before. His face turned red and he looked at Cas.

"Congratulations on the date Sam." Cas said.

"Thanks? So what were you guys doing together in the shower?" Sam cautiously asked. The innocence was seeping out of him.

Dean went to open his mouth but was beat to it when Castiel opened his mouth faster.

"Your brother and I were engaging in sexual intercourse before you came in." Castiel said, he looked back at Dean and blew him a kiss.

"Oh um. I'll leave you to it?" Sam said, and turned around and headed towards the door.

"Thanks!" Castiel replied, he grabbed Dean's hand and lead him back to the bathroom. Dean's face was as bright as a tomato.

So I know it's short but I've been awake since 6 am and it's 9:14pm now so i'm super tired!! I hope you liked this and I hope you stay to read the next ones.

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