You're My Nerd.

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So this chapter is dedicated to StripeySparrow for being the first person to vote on one of these one shots.

It was the night of the big game. Dean was going up against the reigning champions The Kansas Kangaroo;s (A/N: I Had no idea what to name the team... DON'T JUDGE ME.)

It was a cold windy night, the dark clouds rolled up during the day and were now spreading quick drops of water all over the field. A mixture of sweet and rain found itself occupying his body, Uniform clinging to his tight chest. Although that didn't stop him from scoring the final touch down and winning the championship for his team. The crowd was cheering and soon his teammates picked him up chanting his name.

He looked up into the stands and saw those beautiful blue eyes, shining bright like a summer day. Castiel Novak. The schools nerd. That boy made his heart beat ever since he started school the first day.

Castiel was wearing a varsity jacket that was clearly to big on him but made him look even more adorable. It wasn't to long for people to notice what Dean was staring at.

All eyes soon shifted towards the dark haired boy, eyes traveling over his body inspecting the jacket that covered most of his body. Gasps were left from there mouths when noticing Dean Winchester spread across the back. The boy pushed past the crowd and ran towards the taller boy.

Jumping into his arms and planting a big kiss on his Boyfriend's lips.

A few aww's were heard mixed with a few disguested looks. But they didn't care, they had eachother.

"I love you Castiel Novak"

"I love you too Dean Winchester" They stood there smiling like idiots.

Within seconds, Dean Winchester ran towards his brother and back. When turning around, Castiel''s widend in shock from seeing Dean Winchester on his knee and a ring sitting nicely in a small black box.

"Castiel Novak, I love you so much. You make me the happiest I have ever been in the longest time. I love everything about you. Your eyes, your voice and everything else about you. Will you give me the honor to one day call you my husband?"

Castiel's eyes soon started shedding tears, never once leaving the boy below him.

"Yes! I'll marry you Dean!"

So this one is a little shorter then the last but i wanted to keep it short and fluffy. I hope you like it and I also hope you Bop the follow button on my profile! I promise i won't dissapoint.

BTW. I'm finally watching season 9! Yes I'm late to the Supernatural obsession, but I only started watching the series in September so i think im doing pretty good!

Also last thing, I am obsessed with Meghan Trainer's new album! That is all little Piglets, have a nice day/night!

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