How Could You Do This To Me?

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This chapter is dedicated to the one, the only Nerdy3220 because I love their writing and one shots!! Go check them out if you haven't yet!

"GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY! NO SON OF MINE WILL EVER BE A FAGGOT! GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I BEAT YOU!" Steven (A/N: I have no idea what Cas's dad's name would be. Chuck didn't fit this personality so I came up with a random name.) said to young Castiel.

Castiel's eyes watered and ran outside, heavily crying and chocking he made his way to the only person he could. Dean Winchester.

He knocked on the Winchester's house, tears still falling from his face. The door opened up to reveal Mary, Dean's mom.

"Oh sweetie?! What's wrong?" Her voice was filled with concern and love. "Dean get down here!" She yelled.

Dean came walking down the stairs, silently muttering words until he saw Castiel. Dean ran down the stairs and grabbed Cas and wrapped his arms around his best friend (and boyfriend but no one had to know that yet.) and hugged him tightly.

"Cas? What's wrong?" Dean asked.

"I told my parents and they, they kicked me out Dean! They said mean things and I can't go back there Dean!" Cas cried, wrapping his arms around Dean and sobbed into his shirt.

"Hunny, you know you can always stay here." Mary said, placing a hand on Cas's shoulder.

"Thank you Mrs. Winchester." Cas said and gave her a quick hug before returning to there embrace. He'd always feel safer in Dean's arms.

"What's wrong? Cas are you okay?" John asked, his voice echoing in the hallway causing them all to jump a little.

"Castiel's parents kicked him out for something, he'll be staying here with us." Mary said. John looked at Castiel and Dean. Cas was still in Dean's arms.

"I'll allow it." John said. "If." John continued. "If you tell us why they kicked you out." John finished.

Cas looked up at Dean and back to John. He let go of Dean and opened his mouth to speak.

"Well sir, I told them that I... I was gay." Castiel said, silently awaiting for the verbal abuse. Instead, he got a tight hug.

"Did you think that it was a secret to us?" John laughed and hugged Castiel again. "Oh please! Just like it's a secret that you and Dean are dating HAHAHAHA" John laughed.

"Castiel you're welcome to stay here as long as you want! You're part of this family too." John said. He began to walk to the kitchen and started laughing again. "Like we don't here you guys in that room HAHAHA!" Castiel blushed and looked up at Dean.

"If you have sex, use a condom!" Mary said, her face serious.

"MOM!" Dean exclaimed, his cheeks turned red and he looked down.

"I'm just saying Dean! You're both 18, you can do whatever you want but just be safe that's all!" Mary replied and walked away.

"By the way supper will be ready at 6." Mary said nonchalantly.

John walked by and gave a small smile to both boys.

"Dad?" Dean asked.

"Yes Dean?"

"Are you okay with me dating a guy?" Dean asked.

"Dean, you're my son. I don't care if you like guys or girls or gorilla's! I love you no matter what!" John replied, pulling Dean into a tight hug and kissing his cheek. "Ill be back soon."

"Where you going?" Dean asked.

"I have some business to straighten up." John said casually. "I'll be back in 3o minutes.

The time went by, and soon supper was served, Cas had seated next to Dean and little Sammy. They waited a little for John to arrive and soon he did. Except he had a slight cut on his lip and his knuckles were all bloody.

"John what happened!?" Mary exclaimed, rushing to his side. John looked at Castiel and said. "I had some business to take care of. No one hurts my family." Castiel smiled and mouthed a thank you.

That night, he fell asleep with Dean's arms wrapped around his waist and his head on his chest.

"I love you forever angel." Dean whispered.

"Promise?" Castiel responded.

"I promise." Dean answered.

"I love you too, Forever... I promise." Castiel whispered back and pressed a small kiss on Dean's neck.

"Goodnight." Dean said.

Both boys kept their promise and died together after 75 years of being together.

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