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By the way, this chapter is dedicated to luciferismybae, for being the last person to vote!

"So that's when I said, Coach, you have to let me play cause we'll lose without me." Dean had been rambling on for 20 minutes to Cas about the football game that  night.

"So are you playing or not?" Cas asked.

"Of course I am Buddy." Dean replied, giving his best friend a small smile. He knew Cas didn't like hearing about football, but it was a part of Dean's life and Cas understood that.

The two had been best friends since they were kids. When Cas moved into the house next door, they became best friends and were inseperable. Many people believed they were more then friends, because they held hands and once in a while the other would press a small kiss on the other's cheek. They would always spend every weekend together and would always have movie marathons that would lead them to being cuddled up to each other.

Their families got used to them at this point and found it cute that they were so close. People also thought they were together because the two never dated anyone. Dean being the captain of the football team, he had a lot of girls throwing themselves at him. Cas on the other hand, wasn't the most social person on the planet. He had his small group of friends that he would talk to and that's it.

"So you coming to my game tonight?" Dean asked, grabbing Cas's hand and placing it in his. Cas's cheeks flushed bright red. Sure he was used to Dean's touchyness towards him but he would never get used to the feelings he would get. Maybe it had to do with the fact that Cas was the only one that Dean gave even the slightest affection towards.

"Of course, I always do. Even though I don't like football, I like watching you play." Cas said, smiling back to Dean.

"I know you don't like it but I appreciate you coming all the time anyways." Dean replied, pressing his lips onto Cas's cheek.

They finally reached their home and seperated into their driveways. When Cas got to his door he looked at Dean's house to see Dean waiting for Cas to go inside.

Ever since Cas tried to run away (which btw was 6 years ago.), Dean makes sure he goes inside everyday. Cas smiled and turned the door knob and walked inside closing the door behind him. The smell of pie was filling the inside of his house.


"In the kitchen honey!" His mother answered. He made his way to the kitchen to his mother.

"How was school today sweety? The principal called, she said that you got an award today for being the top student this year." His mother said, a smile plastered on her face.

Ever since his father went to jail, his mother had always tried to know everything that was happening in her son's life. She would never forgive herself if she let another person take advantage of her son again.

"Yeah, it was okay. I'm going to the football game tonight with Charlie, Dean's playing again tonight." He replied.

"Awwh, I know. Mary came by today and mentioned it. That's why I'm baking this pie, It's friday so I know Dean's presence will be in this house tonight." His mother replied.

"Okay, I'm going to do my homework." Cas replied, giving his mother a small smile and hugging her. "Love you Mom."

He made his way upstairs and began his homework. 3 hours later a certain red head was standing in his door.

"Get ready loser." Charlie smirked and walked out of his room.

He got up and made his way out of the house to see Charlie with Dean next to her.

"Hey Cas." Dean said, smiling at his presence.

"Hello Dean." Cas replied, returning the smile. They began to walk to the school, talking about the game and about the new Star Wars movie.

Dean glaned at Cas to see him shivering slightly. He smiled and took off his varsity jacket and wrapped it around Cas's small frame. Cas looked up and smiled, feeling Dean's wamth around him.

When they made it to the school, a bunch of football players saw Cas wearing Dean's jacket. They snickered and made their way to the three.

"Oh look the little faggot is wearing his boyfriend's jacket! That's so cute!" One said, the rest of the group erupted in laughter.

Cas winced slightly and brought himself closer to Dean. Dean was about to speak but someone beat him to it.

"Hey losers, If you want to pick on Cas then you have to go through us first! No one messes with Dean's boyfriend." Cas looked up at the group of Dean's fellow footballer's and smiled. Who knew they would stick up for him. Sure Cas was never bullied but they never did speak to him.

Dean wrapped his arm around Cas's small waist and pulled him closer. They douches turned around and walked away.

"Well it's about time you grew some and asked Cas to be your boyfriend." One said.

"Yeah, you've been saying how you wanted to ask him this game." Another said.

"I um. I haven't." Dean said, looking down at his feet, his cheeks were flushed. He felt a finger pushing his chin up to be met with the familar blue eyes. What he didn't expect was lips being pressed onto his. He kissed back and as soon as it started, it ended.

"You have no idea how long i've wanted to do that Dean," Cas said pecking Dean's lips again.

"Me either Cas." Dean replied by pressing his lips on Cas's.

"I don't want to interupt or anything but, Dean we have a game to go to right now." The footballer said.

"Wish me luck.. Babe." Dean smirked and kissed Cas one more time before running off.

The game ended 42-0. Dean scored the last point with a touch down. Dean ran up to the announcer's table and grabbed the mic.

"Excuse me everyone but I just wanted everyone to know that Castiel Novak is officialy mine!" Cas smiled and ran towards Dean, jumping into Dean's awaiting arms and pressing his lips onto his. 

The crowd erupted in aww's and "Finally's". The two pulled apart and looked at each other in the other's eyes.

"I Love you Cas."

"I Love you Too Dean."

Okay so here's another update!!! I hope you like it! 

Vote! Comment! Thanks for the 1.5k reads you guys!! 

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