Just A Dream. (New Kid Part 5).... Wait say what?!?

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This chapter is dedicated to KnightOfHell_Cami simply cause I'm still not over her book, The Great Coincidence! Go check it out! http://www.wattpad.com/89703039-the-great-coincidence-a-destiel-college-au

Cas ran into the screaming Winchester's room. He was scurming around yelling for Cas, he was violently thrashing in the sheets, sweat pouring out of him like a bullet.

"DEAN! WAKE UP!" Cas screamed jumping on boy, trying his best to contain the dreaming Winchester. The boy's eyes burst open and tears came pouring out. Cas quickly got of the man and wrapped his arms around his waist bringing him closer into his chest.

Ever since Dean was brought back to his human self, he'd been having these nightmares every so often. He never told anyone what they were about.

"It's okay Dean, you're safe. I got you. Just let it all out okay?" Cas's voice was soft and sincere. Dean smiled a little bit. The angel always amazed him, He barley understood human emotions yet he was so careful and gentle with Dean.

"Im okay Cas thanks." Dean said between sobs. Cas rubbed his palms in circles trying to relax the man.

"Tell me about the dream this time? Please. I can't help you if you don't trust me." Dean opened his mouth to speak but was interupted. "And don't you dare say it's not important because everything is important to me when it's about you."

Dean looked at the ex-angel's face, carefully exploring all the details of his face for the millionth time. He took a long pause and explained the whole dream to his angel.

"So we were going out on a date when we got hit and Sam was a kid and he tried to protect me but got shot and you commited suicide?" Dean simply nodded and kept his gayze (A/N: See what I did there? Gaze? Gay-ze?) on the beautiful blue eyes that belonged to Cas.

"You know you dream about the things you think most about." Cas said seriously, a small smile appering on his face. "Are you saying that you think of me as you're other half?"

Dean looked into his eyes, his own went wide with fear. He tried to get words to come out properly but only came out as a choke. He was cut off by a pair of lips pressing on his own.

Before he knew it the lips were gone and he woke up. Light shining into their room. A sleeping Castiel sleeping peacefully curled up to his side, head resting on Dean's bare chest and arm hanging of the side of the small bed. He pressed a soft kiss on top of his lover's head.

A small giggle escaping Castiel's lips, giving away his awoken state.

"You know were going to have to get a bigger bed if you're going to sleep in here now."

"You want me to stay here with you?" Tears swelled up Cas's eyes. Tears of hapiness of course.

He finally felt loved.

~The End For Real~

Did you guys really think I would do that to you? I seriously couldn't wait to update again you're getting a double update today (or would it be considered a triple update since I did a mini rant earlier?).

Vote! Comment! Follow me! Be Awesome!

Also if ya want leave a suggestion on the possible name that I could call you guys.

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