New Friends.

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This chapter is dedicated to the newest edition to the family....  Lost_Savior !!

There was a boy that was 7 years old running around the playground when suddenly a pair of boys pushed him down.

Being the spunky hyper child he was he got up smiling and continued to prance around until the same boys pushed him back down and started kicking him.

"No fags are allowed here!" One boy screamed, while the other stood there with wide eyes.

"Maybe you should stop?" The other boy said.

"Shut up Dean!" The boy said, he continued to kick him until everything went black for the little 7 year old.

When he had awoken, he was in a hospital room. He looked around and found his parents and siblings sitting all around with scared faces.

"Castiel?" His father asked, a tear slipping down his face.

"Why am I here daddy?" Little Castiel asked.

"Some young boy brought you here and said you were beaten up." His father explained.

"What boy?" Castiel asked.

"Not sure, he wasn't here when we arrived sweetie." His mother chimed in.

"I'm sleepy." Castiel stated.

"Get some rest little brother, we have to go anyways. We'll be back tomorrow." Gabriel said, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

The next morning, when he woke up his family wasn't the ones in the room. No it was the boy from the park. The one that told the other one to stop. Dean? was it?

"Hello?" Castiel said.

"Oh hi! Um, I hope you don't mind me coming by? I wanted to make sure you were okay." The boy said.

"My names Dean by the way." Dean said, he offered Castiel a small smile.

Castiel smiled back started to blush when he got a look at the boy. He was cute, he had soft dirty blond hair and these green eyes that he could look at forever.

Dean must've seen him staring cause he coughed a little. "What?" Dean asked softly.

"You have really pretty eyes." Castiel said naturally, he was taught to say nice things about everyone. This kind of behavior wasn't unusual to him at all.

"Umm, thanks, you have the bluest eyes I have ever seen before. They're like looking at another piece of this world that I've never seen before. It's so easy to get lost in them." Dean calmly said, his eyes widening at his words. Why was it so easy to say these things to this boy?

Castiel smiled and patted the bed next to him gesturing for Dean to come over. "Wanna watch some cartoons?" Castiel asked.

"Sure. I'd like that. What's your name by the way?" Dean asked.

"Castiel, Castiel Novak." Castiel said.

"Hmm, Castiel is to much of a mouthful, how about Cas?" Dean asked as he lied down on the bed next to Cas.

"I like it. Thank you." Castiel said, he snuggled closer into Dean's side and rested his head on his shoulder. Dean smiled and carefully wrapped his arm around Cas, he smiled as he remembered when he used to do this with Sam before his mom took him to live with her.

"Thank you for bringing me here." Castiel whispered.

"I wish I would've stopped it before." Dean whispered back.

"Not me." Castiel said.

"Why not?" Dean replied.

"Cause I wouldn't have met you and we wouldn't be friends." Castiel explained, he looked up at Dean and smiled before placing a small kiss on the boys cheek.

Dean smiled and continued to watch The Bernstein Bears. "I'm glad we're friends too now Cas." Dean said.

Soon the two boys fell asleep and when Castiel's parents got to the room, they found the boys snuggled up together and smiled.

It wasn't the last time they were found snuggling in bed together, although they were discovered by their children on Christmas morning years later.

YAAAAAASSSS!! Another update :):) I hope you guys like it! WE REACHED 20,000 EFING READS!!! 2K VOTES!!! I cannot believe you lovely sack of bloods!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Vote! Comment! Do you think I should write more teenage Destiel one shots or mid 20's Destiel more?

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