Camp AU.

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This chapter is dedicated to.... Destiel221bTheTARDIS because I am obsessed with their fic called Finally Fitting In (Destiel Fan Fiction (Highschool AU))

If you haven't already, go check it out! I LOVE IT HOLY SHAT!!

When your parents send you of to camp, it's supposed to be a fun and exiting experience. They're supposed to kiss you goodbye, their supposed to cry and hug you way to much.

Except that wasn't the case for 16 year old Dean Winchester. No! His parents practically kicked him out of the car, threw his things at him and sped off. God knows they didn't want to be around their oldest sinful son.

This wasn't one of those movie camps, where you roast marshmallows and sit around the fire. You won't go swimming or canoeing and you definitely won't be making friends.

This was conversion camp. A place where ignorant and conceited people tell you that you are worthless and deserve pain. So you know, the top place to be this summer.

Dean picked up his stuff off the floor and made his way to the sign in table. He waited in line until he felt someone tap his shoulder. When he turned around, he was met with the most breathtaking and beautiful blue eyes ever seen.

"This is the sign up table right?" The boy asked, he seemed to be around Dean's age. He wore a button up shirt with dress pants and a trench coat?

"Yeah it is, what's up with the trench coat? It's almost 40 degrees out." Dean asked.

"Oh umm I umm I'm not hot." The boy stuttered, he looked to the grown. Dean moved his hand up to scratch his nose and the boy flinched.

"Please don't hurt me." The boy whimpered and was shaking.

"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." Dean said, lightly placing his hand of the boys shoulder.

"I'm Dean by the way. What's your name?" Dean asked,

"Castiel Novak." The boy said, barely even audible.

"NEXT!" A voice said from behind them.

"See you later Cas." Dean said, a blush soon filling up young Castiel's face.


"Dean Winchester."

"Reason of participation."

"I was forced to come."

"I said reason of participation."

"I'm gay." Dean said, the woman's face tightened in disgust.

"Room 45, you're going to hell and you disgust me." The woman said.

"I'll tell Satan you said hello then." Dean smiled and walked towards his room for the next 3 months.

He walked into a small cottage and set his bags on the bottom bunk and frowned. He was going to have to share with some weirdo. He started to unpack when he felt another tap on his shoulder. He spun around to see Cas again.

"Hello Dean." Cas said, Dean immediately smiled at his roommate.

"Top or bottom Cas?" Dean asked.

"Bottom." Cas replied, his face instantly grew 7 shades redder.

"Oh you mean for the beds. Top please." Cas said, his voice cracking a little. He looked down to his feet and made his way to the beds.

"Hey Cas?" Dean asked.

"Yes Dean?"

"Why are you here?" Dean asked, taking out the rest of his clothes.

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