Need A Ride?

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This chapter is dedicated to.... Dontblink10. Simply cause they've been commenting and voting on basically all the updates.

Dean was driving down the empty road, when he spotted a stranger walking along the road.

Pulling over, he rolled down his window and the man turned to him.

"Need a ride?" Dean asked.

"It's fine, Thanks anyways." The man said, visibly shaking, his eyes were red and he looked tired.

"No, get in. It's cold out and I don't want you getting sick. Besides the next town isn't for another hour. It's no problem at all." Dean replied, giving the man a small smile and opening the door.

"Thanks." The man said and got into the car, closing the door behind him.

"Dean Winchester's the name." Dean said, giving the man yet another smile.

"Castiel Novak." The man said.

"Nice to meet you Cas, what brings you out in the middle of no where this late?" Dean asked.

"Oh the usual, came out to my parents and they told me to pack my stuff and they dropped me off in the middle of nowhere. So you know, Tuesday." Cas said, tears beginning to silently fall from his face.

Dean pulled over and got out of the car and made his way to the passenger side. "Get out here." Dean said, fear crossed Castiel's eyes as he got out the car. He was waiting for the first hit, but it never came. Instead he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and soon a body was pressed onto his. It didn't take long for him to wrap his arms around Dean's neck and start crying more.

Dean held onto that boy like he would when Sammy was young. Truth is, when he came out to his father, he was beaten and thrown out. His family hated him, including his little brother. He knew how it felt to be abandoned and he didn't want Cas to feel that way either.

"It's going to be okay Cas, I know what you're going through." Dean said

Castiel pulled away. "How would you know how I feel?" Cas snapped.

"Cause it happened to me too. My family disowned me for liking men." Dean responded, looking deep into Cas's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Cas said, not dropping eye contact.

"C'mon you can stay with me." Dean said, walking back to the driver's seat.

"No Dean, I couldn't." Cas said.

"Cas, I aint asking. I'm not going to let you be homeless." Dean replied.

"Fine, but only a couple of days." Cas agreed.

It so wasn't just a couple of days. It was for the rest of their lives. They fell in love, adopted 3 children and gotten married. Sam and Dean had been reunited and things couldn't have been any better.

Cas might not have gotten his family back, but he got something so much better. A family of his own, with 3 amazing kids and an beautiful husband.

Okay, so I hope you like this chapter!!! I enjoyed writing it and I hope you continue to read these!

Thanks for the 4K reads!!!! HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY CHUCK!

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