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Dean was pacing throughout the room. His nerves were getting the best of him. He was marrying the love of his life, the boy he fell in love with when they were only 16 years old. Now here they are both in their mid 20's and getting married.

The two met when they started high school, they were made partners for the first English project and became inseparable ever since.

Castiel made the first move, he asked Dean out on date. The date didn't go to as planned but the two made the best of it anyways. Dean's father had gotten word that his precious son was dating another male and exploded in fury.

He managed to find their location and put Dean in the hospital and Castiel needed stitches. That didn't stop them from seeing each other. Dean packed up and moved into an apartment, bringing little Sammy with him. Soon Castiel would move in and they became even closer then possible.

They had their small fights, they had their big fights. None of which stopped them from solving the issues and falling deeper in love each time.

Dean made his way down to the pastor and waited for his fiancé to walk down. He looked around and he didn't recognize anyone. He waited and waited but Castiel never showed.

Dean went home alone that day crying. How could Castiel leave him like that?

Dean rushed upstairs and made his way to the bathroom. He started the water and furiously took of his clothes. When he was done he pulled on a pair of lose sweat pants and went downstairs with a fuzzy blanket and watched some romance movies.

It was 6 o'clock when he heard the door giggling and soon opened. In walked Castiel with a smile spread on his face but soon disappeared when he saw Dean's state.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Castiel asked, making his way towards Dean.

"How could you!! I thought you loved me!!" Dean yelled, Castiel was confused. What had he done?

"I do love you!" Castiel yelled back.

"How am I supposed to believe that huh? You stood me up today! In front of everyone!"

"What are you talking about?" Castiel asked, his voice softening.

"It's the 25th! It's are wedding day!" Dean yelled, tears flowing out of his eyes.

"Babe! That's next month!!" Castiel said, gently grabbing Dean's arms and bringing him closer.

"What?" Dean asked.

"It's the 25th of July babe. I would never stand you up! You're the love of my life Dean." Castiel said pressing a sweet kiss onto his fiancé's lips.

"Oh. Then where did I go today?" Dean asked,

"I have no idea but I'm sure they were as confused as you were." Castiel laughed.

"God I love you Dean!" Castiel said hugging Dean close.

"I love you too!" Dean said.

469 Words!!! I hope you like it! Please if you have any suggestions of next one shots please leave a comment below! I'm running out of ideas!!

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