County Fair.

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This chapter is dedicated to.... UncreativeCreature for voting on some of these one shots!! Thank you so much Boo :)

The boys just finished a  hunt when they passed by a sign that mentioned the county fair and Castiel jumped in excitement.

"OOOHHH!!! Dean can we go please?!?! I say these things in those movies and I want to go to one! Please Dean Please!!" Castiel begged

Dean looked at Cas in the rear-view mirror and smiled. He's been wanting to take his little ex-angel to a fair for a while.

Dean looked to Sam with a questioning look, Sam shrugged and gave a nod of approval.

"Okay Cas, I'm going to show you a fun time now!" Dean said, ideas filling his head of what he can do with Cas there.

The drive continued for another 20 minutes until they finally arrived to their destination. Castiel jumped out the car when it stopped and grabbed Dean's wrist and pulled him to the entrance.

Sam smiled and continued walking behind them, Dean wouldn't admit it but Sam knew he was in love with Castiel. It was evident, the way he looks at Cas like it could be the last, the way he gets so close to Cas and not say a word like he used to. The way he smiles when Castiel walks into the kitchen in the mornings wearing Dean's old shirts.

It was time for Dean to be happy and with hunts slowing down now, it was the perfect time to start a new life.

The three boys paid for their passes and started walking, Sam decided it would be best to split up since he was hungry and they weren't.

"So Cas, what do you want to do first?" Dean asked, he looked beside him to see Castiel with eyes filled with amazement.

"Can I have one of those Dean?" Castiel pointed to a stuffed bear with 'I Wuv You' written on the stomach.

Dean smiled and grabbed Castiel's hand and walked to the stand.

"How much?" Dean asked.

"1$ for 3 shots. You need to get 2 balloons popped to get a prize." The man said he looked down to their linked hands and smiled. "Which one does your boyfriend want?" The man asked.

Dean blushed and pulled his hand away from Castiel's. "He's not my boyfriend." Dean said, his face getting red and redder with every moment.

"The bear." Castiel said, and the man smiled. He gave Dean the three darts and stepped to the side.

Dean carefully positioned himself and flicked his wrist. The first shot missed, the second one he got but the last he missed.

Dean paid the man again for another shot and Castiel smiled. Soon Dean had paid almost 20$ for that bear and still hadn't got it.

"Do you mind if I try Dean?" Cas asked.

"Sure Cas try." Dean smiled, a sense of defeat was travelling through his body.

Castiel smiled back and aimed the dart at the green balloon and popped it. Next the blue and it popped. Castiel smiled and jumped up in joy.

"Congratulations here's the stuffed bear." The man said smiling and handed the bear to Castiel. Castiel graciously accepted the bear and handed it to Dean.

"I want you to have it." Cas said, a smile on his face.

"But it's yours Cas, you won it." Dean said, a confused look on his face.

"I know but it says 'I Wuv You' so I want you to have it." Castiel said, The man smiled at Dean and winked causing Dean to blush again as he accepted the bear.

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