For Sickness or For Health...

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This chapter is dedicated to StarryCastiel because I've been obsessed with their one shots! Holy Moly! GO CHEK THEM OUT YOU WERIDOS!

"DEAN I'M DYING!!!" Cas yelled out for the millionth time that hour.

Dean smiled and got up from the table and walked up to his dying little angel.

"Babe, now how many times am I going to have to tell you that you're not dying, that you're just sick?" Dean asked, planting a small kiss on Cas's temple.

"As many times as it takes for you to come up here and stay here." Cas replied, a smile was covering his face.

"Is that all you want? For me to stay up here with you?" Dean asked.

"I though that my actions were speaking for myself but apparently not, so you can leave again. I don't want you here anymore." Cas replied, a frown plastered his face.

"Fine." Dean puffed and walked out the room and back to the kitchen where Sam and Jess were sipping their coffee's.

"Is he okay?" Jess asked, giving Dean a smile and taking another sip from her cup.

"Yeah, he's just sick and cranky now." Dean explained.

A couple of hours passed and Cas had fallen asleep.

"DEAAAAAANN!!!" Cas's voice rang through the house.

"DEAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!!!! I'M SORRRRYY! COMEE HOLD MEEEEE!!!" Dean smiled and shut the TV off and walked up the stairs to his husband's voice.

"Yes Babe?" Dean answered.

"I'm sorry for being cranky I just want you to hold me in your arms and kiss my head and be there." Cas replied, well tried to reply. In between hiccups and coughs but Dean understood.

"Cas, You know I'm not going any where's." Dean said and took of his clothing and got into the bed and wrapped his arms around his husbands waist and smiled.

"I'll always be here to take care of you angel."

Okay so is this horrible? Do you like it? Do you hate it? Tell me something!!!

Vote! Comment! The taste of Buckley's is disgusting!

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