In which Castiel is a bartender.

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×Castiel's P.O.V×

Today was the first day of work at the Roadhouse, and I was the new bartender.

Everything was going great, sure I would occasionally forget how to make the drinks  asked but Jo was always happy to help.

"Hey can I get a beer?" A deep voice came from behind me. I looked at the man and could tell there was something wrong with him. He was wearing a torn up dark green jacket that would've looked horrible on anyone else. His face was well structured and his eyes were the most unbelievable thing about him. They were green with a hint of yellow and Grey (A/N : So I'm from Quebec where it's all French and I always thought you spelled the color grey with an e, but my phone tells me its with an a? WTF!!! which one is right HALP!)

"Yeah no problem here you go." I said placing the beer on the counter.  I couldn't help but stare into his eyes.

×Dean's P.O.V×

•Moments earlier•

"I think we should break up Dean, it's just not working out." I just stared at her face, completely shocked. I looked around the room, we were at a fancy restaurant everyone was all dressed up and I was ready to pop the question. I had everything planned out, I was going to ask her to marry me in front everyone.

"Dean I'm sorry" and with that Lisa got up and walked away leaving me there more broken then what I was before. I paid the check and decided to go get a drink.

"Hey can I get a beer?" I asked the guy that was behind the counter. When he turned around I couldn't help but notice his ocean blue eyes. His face was bad either if I do say so myself.

"Yeah no problem here you go." The guy said, after taking a sip I noticed he was staring at me. He must've noticed I was looking at him cause he started to blush, Oh god he's adorable!

"I'm sorry for staring it's just I've never seen eyes like yours."

"It's fine everyone says that they're weird anyways" No one likes my eyes cause there not "normal" people say.

"Are you kidding me?" The guy had a huge smile on his face. "There the most amazing thing I've ever seen! There beautiful!" The guy said blushing once again.

"Thanks umm?"

"Castiel, Castiel Novak and you are?" Castiel Novak that name was beautiful, Dean Novak. I like it!

"Falling in love with you" my eyes widen did I just say that out loud?

"That's nice to know, but I would still like to know your name" the guy says with a smile spread across his face.

"Dean Winchester"

The night goes on and we talk, learn that we actually live next door to each other and that we both love Lord Of The Rings and Metallica. It's about closing time so I offer Cas a drive home.

He graciously accepts and gets into my baby.

"This is a beautiful car Dean"

"Thanks Lisa never liked it, she would say it was a piece of junk." I spilled everything about the breakup and the ring. He said my idea was cute.

"Well I like it if it counts."

"Oh it does Cas it does" I say a smile creeping up. I haven't smiled this much in a while.

We pull up to our apartments. I have to say I'm a little disappointed that we got this early but I decide to walk Cas in.

"Thanks for the ride Dean"

"It's no problem whenever you need a ride just tell me."

" I might have to take you up on that offer" mostly cause I wanna see you again

I start to laugh, he just realized He said that out loud. "Don't worry Cas, that makes the two of us"

"Really? Most people don't ever want to see me again"

"Well I actually do Cas, in fact I was hoping you'd you go on a date with me tomorrow?" I ask a little nervous, why am I nervous I've asked a lot of people out! Yeah but no one like Cas

"I would love to Dean"

End of story! BOOOM! Another update on time! I'm on a role with this book! Someone hold me back!

Thanks so much for the reads! I appreciate every single person that reads these little stories!

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