Author's Note/ Pissed the EF OFF!

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Okay so I usually don't do these types of chapters but I really felt the need to express my udder most hatred towards a writer here. I will not say there name or account info because I am not that type of person.

How dare you CHOSE TO attack writers with what you think shouldn't be in THEIR writings. That is you're opinion, if you don't like Doctor Who connections in a story don't read it! If you don't like the most cliché plots ever don't read it!

You can have you're opinions about what type of fics you like or not that's all up to you! But how dare you to attack writers such as MYSELF and say that OUR stories are crap and we shouldn't write them?

I've checked their account and noticed they never wrote any Destiel fics before? Though, they seem to be an EFFING expert on it? Like NO! A writer can chose to write what they want and when they want. If they want to update after 7 months of not posting, they can! It's none of our business why they didn't update unless they express why.

And I didn't know you had to be 6 years old to like Disney Movies? Bitch I'm 18 years old and love Disney movies? I have an EFFING JOB, I take care of myself how dare you say that people who watch Disney movies must be 6!

Before you express what isn't possible in REAL life, realize that it's a freaking fictional story! Anything can happen and the author can do whatever they please!

By the way if you happen to read this, please tell me why Castiel being Dean's therapist is illegal?

You can have your own opinions on things but DO NOT attack other people. You my fellow human need to grow up and realize that people can do what they please in THEIR writings. Goodbye!

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