New Kid. (Part 3)

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This chapter is dedicated to StripeySparrow again for being the first to Vote on the previous Chapter!

"We'll be back soon Mom. Later Sammy!" Dean said grabbing his jacket and Cas's hand.

They made their way into his car and began driving to the diner. They were driving for only 20ish minutes. They were laughing, listening to music and occasionally sneaking glances at each other.

They were cut off when they heard a loud horn and everything went black.


- 2 Days Later -

Castiel's P.O.V

I tried to open my eyes but there was a shining bright light in the way. I groaned, trying to move my head.


My eyes begin to ajust to the light, and I can finally see my surrondings. Mary and John are sitting some chairs. Mary's head leaning on his shoulder, a silent snore escaping her lips every once in a awhile.

I turn my head to see Sam's face. His eyes are sparkling with tears.

"Cas, we thought you were dead! They said that there was only a 2% chance you would make it." His eyes began to water and soon tears began falling down.Realization soon hit, they were in a car accident. Dean!

"Where's Dean?" Cas asked. Sam smiled and hugged him.

"He's fine, he has a broken arms and 2 broken ribs but he's okay." Sam smiled.

"Can I see him?" Cas asked. Sam got up and pulled away the curtain on his left, revealing a sleeping Dean Winchester in the next bed. Cas smiled at the oh so familiar sight.

"Do you know what happend Cas? I mean, why Dean's okay?" Cas gave him a look of confusion, allowing Sam to continue.

"Dean said there was a loud honk and your wings came bursting out and wrapped around him but before they got to him the truck hit his side. If you weren't there" Sam's voice cracked. "My brother would've died Cas. You saved him."

"C-Cas?" Dean's voice cracked a little, Cas's face snapped towards him and tried to go over to him when he realized he was tied down." His eyes widened with shock.

"They found us, and your wings were out, they think you're a monster but I refused to leave you."  Cas's eyes began to fill with tears, He was a monster. That's all he was.

Dean got out of his bed a lied down next to him. "You're not a monster Babe. I love you and I won't let them hurt you okay?"


"GET AWAY FROM THE MONSTER KID!" A tall man said barging in with a gun pointing towards Cas.

"What's going on!" John's voice came in and everyone looked over to see a worried John and scared Mary. Sam ran up to Cas and hugged him.

He wouldn't let go, He wasn't going to lose Cas. He was awesome, he made his brother happy and he was family now.


"Or else what?" John and Dean's voice intergected. The officer pointed his gun to Sam and Cas, with his finger on the trigger.


"What duties! You just want to kill the poor boy!"

Dean lunged forward and tackled the officer. A shot fired. John rushed to Dean, pulling him off a beating the officer himself.

Dean looked towards his mother. Her eyes wide with fear and tears. He followed her gaze and soon met with a sight he never wanted to see.

Sam was shot and bleeding out. A shot right to the heart. His little brother was dead.

Okay so here's the next chapter! I hope you like it, I also hope you're not to dissapointed that they didn't actually get a chance to go on a date.

Vote! Comment! Tell Me Your Favorite Avril Lavigne Song (If you have one of course)!

Mine is Definitly Rock N Roll!

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