Best Friends Don't Kiss...

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This chapter is dedicated to.... xXBroken_InsideXx , Thank you for the love and support! Make sure to check out their Supernatural One Shots! They're fantastic!

They were 9 when little Castiel spun his best friend (and only friend) Dean around and pressed his lips onto his own. It was a short kiss not meaning anything really, but when he saw that everyone around him was laughing and pointing he regretted his actions. Dean didn't speak to him for a while until one day he knocked onto his bedroom door.

It was the night before his 17th birthday when he heard a small knock on his door. He knew his father was working and sister Anna was gone to some party. He cautiously went to his door, thousands and thousands of thoughts came rushing to his head. How'd they get in here? Are they going to kill me? Will I ever see the ending of Doctor Who? (A/N: I've never seen Doctor Who before btw.. Don't judge me!)

When he opened the door he was shocked. There stood Dean Winchester. He hadn't seen the boy since 4th grade. He looked at Dean in the eyes, his eyes were sparkling. It looked like he'd been crying before.

"Dean?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah Cas it's me." Dean answered. Castiel smiled and pulled his best friend into his arms and squeezed tightly. They stood like that for minutes, both not wanting the moment to ever end. They reluctantly pulled away and looked at each other once more before Castiel broke the silence.

"Where have you been?" Castiel asked.

"My dad made us move, he heard about something that happened and he wasn't happy." Dean said, attempting to give him a small smile.

"What he find out?" Castiel questioned.

"Remember when you kissed me in the 3rd grade?" Dean asked.

"Yeah? I told you it's cause they were making fun of you because you hadn't kissed anyone before." Castiel explained once again.

"Yeah but apparently some kids mom found out and yelled at my dad for having a gay son. When I got home he beat me and made me swear to never speak to you again. That's why I couldn't stay over anymore and we couldn't hang out as much either." Dean stated.

"But why'd you disappear? You didn't even say goodbye." Castiel's voice cracked.

"Remember when your mom got engaged to your dad?" Dean asked.


"When I got to your house that day you were so excited and told me that they were getting married because they loved each other and that's what you do when you love someone. Then you asked me to marry you and you gave me a ring pop remember?" Dean asked, smiling through every single word.

"When you said yes, I ran to my mom and asked to marry us. She laughed at us and she did a small ceremony and we invited my dad and sister and stuffed animals. When it was over I asked if you were gonna eat the pop and you said no." Castiel finished.

Dean smiled and reached into his pocket. "Well, somehow my dad found out about the whole marriage deal and about me still seeing you so he made us pack up and move." Dean said.

"So why are you hear now after all this time?" Castiel asked.

Dean smiled and pulled out the small ring pop taking Castiel's hand with the other. "Cause you're not supposed to leave your husband Cas." Dean said slipping on the small ring pop. Castiel smiled and tears began to slip down his face.

Dean reached up and cupped his face, leaning in closer he placed his lips onto his friends. The kiss was small and sweet. It was strong and meaningful. When they pulled apart the two smiled at each other.

"You know Cas, my dad once said, that Best Friends Don't Kiss so how about being my boyfriend?" Dean asked, a toothy grin appearing on his face.

"Wow Winchester, 8 years and you still didn't improve on you sweet talk." Castiel said.

"Oh shut up and kiss me again." Dean shouted, a smile permanently on his face. Castiel gladly accepted and leaned in.

Yay!! Another one!! I can't believe that you guys have almost gotten this to 10k reads!!! Incredible! Thank you guys so much!!

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