start : Circules

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Year : 3029

Years have passed , the culture that had been practiced by many of our ancestors has disappeared in thin air.

The systematic mechanized thinking that had long occupied human beings started changing as well as many new inventions arrived . Humans whom were entitled the beings of intelligence and knowledge started inserting micro chips into their body as they were born to increase what was granted to them as a gift by nature , strength (mentally & physically ) and agility.

Cars and airplanes are now swapped by gigantic and small robots that hover in the city replacing what we had known as transportation. People decided to give out cramped education and finish studying at school as they were kids and strived to build new inventions as they grew older.

It was in this era that a group of Scientists known as tech vest started working together for the impossible , to create a dimension( portal ) that connects the present , past and future.

Despite knowing it would take countless years , they decided to suprise the world by making the ultimate invention. After everything they've gone through in the past few decades ,the scientists were finally capable of building a portal.

A portal that connects time and 3 dimensional space that allow time travel between the past present and future, but the scientists undermined the a significant side effect of the portal .

" sir , I'm 96% sure that this portal is unstable and may cause us harm ,I don't think it's ready to be launched yet! "one of the 3000 tech vest working on this project said in concern as he looked into the screen which indicated the portal's status.

" If we don't open this portal as we agreed ,all our work and effort will be frittered away ! besides , what's the worst thing that could happen " the head commander of the tech vest known as Hoe said while adjusting the capsules to be plugged .

" Hoe was a man if true knowledge " some said ,but he was clearly covering up his misdeeds by others failure. He was a man in his 30's. Dark brown hair and black eyes that was considered abnormal in this place and

The portal glowed and radiated blue light as Hoe plugged in the wires , but the radiant light that was mesmerising to the eyes were far from beautiful ,it was a sign that of 1 giga joule of energy being consumed in matter of seconds.

" see ! , it was worth opening the portal " Hoe smiled in confidence as he patted one of his associates on his shoulder.

"U.....h sir, this portal is draining all the energy in this building " Another Tech vest pushed the owner aside as he stood there in shock and not responding. He hit the emergency shut off and it didn't work , instead it seemed to be draining the power faster .

He then hit the red button and the building alarm went off , He shouted above the alarm " we have to evacuate! , fast !!" They all turned and head out of the building .

The building started Trembling and collapsing because of the high loss of energy that was keeping it stable.

The tech vests started evacuating the building along with the employees inside and after couples of minutes the building was completely demolished into nothing but withered grain of sand .

There was high amount of atomic energy inside the portal that was draining every type of energy from the surrounding.Citizens started panicking and evacuated the area as well .

After the great incident, Tech vests gathered in their working arena and started studying about the portal and why it reacted with high amount of energy in such unexpected manner. They tried dozens of ways to close the leaking portal, but nothing seemed to be the solution.

After more effort had been exerted by the scientists ,one of the researchers named Lucas confirmed that there might be a solution for this problem, but the solution was rather risky.

The head of representatives heard the news from the science community and he was exasperated about it that he went to the science community right away.

" how could you risk life and half humanity for a time circulating machine!!" The head of representatives yelled in anger as he barged in at the main hall of researches where the tech vests are working at .

" we had no idea this would happen!"
the scientists replied ," how can we stop this mess" the head of representatives asked while placing his palm on his face in concern .

" sir , we are grieved to have released such amount of energy to the outdoors , but as our studies indicate, the portal has huge amount energy which causes destruction and makes it hard for us to reverse it ."one of the tech vest said while showing a diagram of the portal .

" b...ut " Hoe said , raising his chin upwards " but we have a solution for it , although.... it might be a bit risky " The tech vest replied

" what kind of risk ?" Hoe couldn't help but question again ," we have to go beyond time and restore non- existing elements from the past to reverse the energy of the portal "the tech vest replied .

" We can't just throw people inside the portal and hope for the best !" Hoe uttered in anger.

" it's the only way or else the strong atomic energy will remove us from existence!" the tech vest replied.

"I suppose we can try , However , until those elements are restored , I need clear answer how all of this happened " Hoe proclaimed as he exited the hall .

After days of preparation for the dimensional travel, the scientists started collecting young volunteers who can handle this mission.

The minimum age for volunteering is 16 years old , but people were too afraid to travel in the unstable portal .

A group of teenagers aged between 16 - 18 volunteerd in this activity knowing well that it might end thier life. They were given certain equipments and definitely hard core training before their dangerous journey. Once they were ready and passed the exams for the mission, they were brought back to the Tech vest headquarters .

" listen carefully, this portal is extremely dangerous and unstable, remember your training and do your best ! "Hoe said while giving the vouleenteers additional equipments .

" quick question though "one of the girl volunteer asked " ya sure" Hoe nodded without words "why did you ask for help instead of doing it yourselves ? " she asked.

" you see ,the portal drains energy from human beings , but the higher the energy we have ,the portal becomes more stable "Hoe responded.

" so in other words ,old people can't handle this energy hehe ~ " she giggled " what the __ . o-o-o ld ! , watch your words kid" Hoe stuttered for a moment there and completed his sentence with a frown.

"another question ? "one of the boy amongst the vouleenteers asked " sure ask anyone but me ,I have to go to the preparation room and arrange the launching system" Hoe said as he exited the room .

The total number of vouleenteers were 6 ,they wore their protective suits made up of Tungsten and carried Gajets to enter the portal .

" are you guys ready !" The tech vest yelled so that his voice could be audable from the preparation room he was in ,which was covered with glass made up of Titanium.

" yes !" the vouleenteers responded while standing next to the portal ," portal 665 , launched " Hoe stated as he pulled Down the lever.

Hi guys I don't know if you're going to look at this , but if you do , thanks for giving a visit to my book , it means a lot.

I hope you'll like the story cause it's going to have lots of chapters.

Thanks so much, don't forget to vote and drop some comments as well🤩😘👍👍

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