Mr .Anakin

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I turned around to see who it was ,but no one was out there , this homeschool education system is driving me crazy .

I went to the secret place while enjoying my ice-cream , as I arrived Vexi opened the door and greeted in a loud voice " hello Astrid " Vexi greeted " h..hi " I responded.

I went inside and placed my bag on my chair, Vexi was acting very exited and energetic more than usual "Vexi ! why are you so excited " I asked " Her micro chip responds to the increasing amount of kinetic energy and as the temperature increases the micro chip inside her body increases it's energy " Halogen replied.

" micro chip? " I asked "yes micro chip "Halogen replied.

" Vexi has micro chip inside her body !? " I said in surprise " we all do ,infact that is the reason why we have superior intelligence than people in 2016 " Halogen replied.

The future really is amazing, but why would people in the future insert micro chips inside their body ?

I sat on my chair and " hey Astrid " Ankain greeted " oh ,hey Anakin " I replied " I'm going to be your teacher for today " Anakin nodded .

" ok " I replied , " Anakin pulled out a strange looking Limestone from his pocket and started pointing it towards the large computer screen in front of me .

" Our first subject today will be chemistry " Anakin nodded " chemistry is a branch of science which studies about things related to chemistry " Anakin said while drawing a diagram of an atom on the computer screen .

" what ? " I said in confusion "it's a science " Anakin replied " what kind of science " I asked " I don't know ,I'm a teacher not a scientist " Anakin nodded.

" ok " I said while returning to listen his lesson ,but after 10 minutes Anakin stopped teaching and turned around ,"why did you stop ? " I asked " I got bored , why don't we do something fun instead of what we're doing now "Anakin suggested " but aren't you supposed to teach me for like an hour " I replied "ya ,but we'll do that later " Anakin said while pulling me up from my sit .

We went to the other rooms in the secret place ,but I had no idea about these rooms before .

we played different games such as laser dummies which was literally lasering dolls with actual lasers .

We also did different activities and fun exercises , but Anakin suggested we make mustashes with the fire extinguisher near the exit.

" Anakin !! " Halogen scolded in a very fierce tone ,both Anakin and I turned our faces to Halogen and I can tell from the look on her face that she was furious with our actions.

" What are you doing ! , You were supposed to teach not to have fun ! " Halogen admonished " Ya ,but teaching is hard "Anakin whined .

" Well if you don't want to teach , we have the right job for you " Halogen said while pointing towards the calculus area " fine " Anakin said while exiting the teaching area .

" As for you , detention ! " Halogen scolded " what ! , b-but " I paused " detention now ! " Halogen said in a very serious tone " ok " I said while turning around to go to the detention.

" U.....h , were is the detention ? " I asked Halogen while turning around again " there  "Halogen replied while pointing towards a chair next to mine .

I can't believe that the detention is the chair next to my original learning chair , I wanted to laugh, but I could see Halogens fierce and sharp eye which is immensely scary .

             Dimension 665 , Year 3029.....

" Sir we received an information from Halogen about Polonium and they were able to restore it " Melanin ( one of the tech vest informed ) " Good , but how could they find this element earlier than the machine ? "Celtic (the head of tech Vest ) asked in surprise .

" I heard that they got help from a teenage girl who lives in 2016 , and it took them a single week to restore the polonium element " Melanin replied " but how can a teenage girl in year 2016 help in this complex situation ! , Melanin check out how many micro chip does this teenage girl have " Celtic ordered .

" Sir , people in year 2016 don't use microchips " Melanin replied " hmmm......very interesting,  tell me more " Celtic nodded .

" people in 2016 use direct education instead of using microchips which avoids the side effects of the microchips " Melanin replied " but another thing sir , nano boats are attacking 2016 by entering through the liking portal " Melanin added .

" Nano bots ? ow no ! It must be his work " Celtic nodded " whose work ?" Melanin asked " it's the work of Jack ! "

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