visiting the Orphanage

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I woke up early in the morning and started washing my face , today is Sunday and it's my day off.

I can do whatever I want and go whenever I want . As I was washing my face , I realised that my hair grew 2 inches taller .

" Astrid !! " I can hear grandma yelling as she called me for breakfast. I went downstairs and sat on the table to enjoy my breakfast.

Things are going smooth and calm , as calm as a river flowing down the land .
" Hey Grandma , what's for breakfast " I asked curiosily " fried fish " Grandma replied in joy . It is kinda weird to have fried fish for breakfast, but I can't argue with grandma.

I took a slice of fish from my plate and stuffed it in my mouth,  🤤 uh , it was delicious.

" Hmm.... Grandma, I decided to visit the orphanage today " I said while placing the fish inside my mouth" sure hany " Grandma replied.

Every 1 or 2 months , mom and I visit the the orphanage to donate materials and money , it was one our favourite activity . Even in hard times , mom bakes delicious cookies to give it to the orphan kids to make them happy , I really miss her .

But this time mom is not with me so I have to visit the orphanage by my own , I decided to buy many sweats and necessary products as much as possible and donate it to the orphanage.

I grabbed my money and went to the supermarket to buy those stuff . I took every precaution to avoid Jack and Inizo on my way and arrived home safely.

Packing the materials I bought , I changed my clothes and went outside along with the materials I was holding .

" Astrid " Someone yelled as I was walking towards the orphanage . I turned around and saw Anakin eating ice-cream with yoji next to his side , I'm surprised that he knew how to eat ice-cream .

" Hi guys , what brought you here ? "I greeted and asked at the same time, " Anakin insisted we buy ice-cream and we saw you walking alone so we decided to say hi " Yoji replied "where are you going anyway " Anakin asked while looking at the materials I'm holding.

" I'm on my way to the orphanage " I smiled in joy " Orphanage ?? " both Anakin and yoji got puzzled.  " it's were orphans live " I replied while trying to remind them of it's meaning , but they don't seem to know what orphanage is.

" orph _ anage ? " Anakin paused " do__nation ? " yoji added, they kept getting more and more confused as they stood and thought of it . " why are you going now ? " yoji asked .

" I haven't had the chance to visit the orphanage since the mission started , but it's my day off today so I decided to visit it " I replied , " why are you doing this do __ nation thing ? " Anakin interrogated , " by giving from what I have , I can make people happy and that's one relief for the heart " I replied.
Yoji pulled his face down while Anakin rubbed his hair as if they were ashamed.

" don't you donate and participate in charity work in 3029 ? " I asked " " yoji replied .

We continued walking towards the orphanage , but Anakin and yoji kept questioning me about what I'm doing.

" we're here " I said while pointing towards the house .

I started ringing the bell as we arrived at the door , " Astrid !! " one of the orphan girls known as maya hugged me as she saw me standing in front of the door when she opened it

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I started ringing the bell as we arrived at the door , " Astrid !! " one of the orphan girls known as maya hugged me as she saw me standing in front of the door when she opened it . " maya ! " I hugged her back , we went inside the house and greeted everyone.

Every kid I know in the orphanage kept coming and hugging me as they saw me , I handed out the Candies to the kids and gave the important materials for the main teachers.

I felt very happy as the small kids were happy , this is one of the great thing about giving , you get happier than when you get other things.

" Astrid dear , thank you so much for what you did " one of the teachers known as Dimen thanked , " it's nothing , plus I wanna spend my day with the kids " I replied.

I started playing with the kids as well as Anakin, but I was unable to see yoji cause he looked as small as the kids in the orphanage.

" stop !!! Don't touch that " I can hear yoji yelling at the kids , but I still couldn't see him . " look at him " I can hear a group of girls ( who were kids too ) whispering as they saw Anakin.

" hey girls, what are you doing " I interrupted " who's that guy over there " Maya asked while pointing towards Anakin " oh , he's my friend Anakin " I replied.

The small girls started screaming and blushing as Anakin turned around and waved his hands towards us . " wow , is he your boyfriend? " Maya asked.

" WHAT !!? , NO , no ! He's just my friend " I panicked while covering my face as I blushed . The girls kept talking about Anakin while I played with the baby kids .

The day was over and it was time to go back home , " please don't leave " Maya and the rest of the kids sniffled while tear filled their eyes . Maya rushed and hold my legs , I can sense that they are about to cry , but I can't stay for long .

"Uh , Sorry kids , but grandma is waiting for me ,I  promise that I'll be back soon " I smiled while waving my hands as I exited the place along with Yoji and Anakin.

We started walking back towards my house , " wow , those kids sure love you " Anakin nodded " I really feel bad though " Yoji mumbled " why ? " I asked in confusion.

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