Season 4 : Plutonium

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The night has passed and it's time for the morning to rise and shine. I wake up in the morning and packed my materials to go to the secret place .

Things are going pretty tough for my friends. Collecting and restoring the elements is not an easy task , plus Jack keeps making it hard for us and time is running out .

I already finished my research about Plutonium. It's for sure harder to get and restore than the elements we encountered so far .

I kept walking towards the secret place until I arrived. I walked close to knock on the door when " Hi Astrid " Vexi opened it and greeted in joy. 

I went inside while giving greetings to everyone in the place , but I noticed Halogen staring at the large computer screen and performing certain calculations.

" Hey there , I brought all information needed about Plutonium " I smiled while looking at Halogen. She slowly turned her face towards me and replied " good , tell us everything you know " .

I started verifying on it's location and abundance , but I felt like I forgot something very important.

" Plutonium is the most dangerous , radioactive and toxic element in the world. Plutonium generally isn't found  in nature. Trace elements of Plutonium  are found in naturally occurring uranium ores. it is formed in a way similar to neptunium: by irradiation of natural uranium with neutrons followed by beta decay. The largest stock pile of Plutonium is found in U.S.A " I described using certain illustrations.

" so we have to travel to the US to retrieve Plutonium , but we should be very careful cause this element is a killer " Halogen announced to the others .

They all started preparing materials and equipments for travelling , but something went wrong. An alarm went off in the Computer system saying that it detected a radioactive substances which damaged organs.

" what's wrong guys ? " I asked as I saw the alarm turning from light to dark red . They all started wearing masks except for me who stood there in confusion.

" Astrid , remember that smoke yesterday " Vexi said while placing her hands on my shoulders " it consisted very small amounts of gamma rays . It didn't affect us cause our body can't allow any type of radiation , but you can, so we need to extract the Ray's from your system or else it can cause damage to your cells" Vexi stated .

I actually didn't hear 99% of what she said cause her mask was blocking her sound , but I guess she was talking about something important.

The next thing I know was that they all quickly threw me in a capsule full of blue gas which made me more confused.

The alarm turned off as soon as I entered the capsule and everyone took off their masks . " ee.....h ?? Guys , why I'm I inside this large capsule " I asked " this is a capsule which will extract gamma Ray's from your system " Halogen responded " , what ? " I paused .

" don't worry you'll only stay there for like 8 hours " Vexi giggled " WHAAAAAT!!? " I yelled in confusion and anger .

Everyone went to what they were doing ignoring that I'm shouting and yelling besides them .

I sat on an empty capsule for 3 hours know. I kept watching Anakin and Yoji playing games , pranking Eythor and disturbing Halogen while she was working. She keeps shouting and yelling at them while they laughed at her for being angry , they are so stupid.

That reminded me of Me and Amelia. We always loved to make people angry and annoyed , wait!! ,I forgot that today is Amelia's birthday.

" Halogen!! Hey Halogen !!" I screamed and yelled to grab Halogen's attention .She turned around and pressed a button that suddenly propagated my sound outside.

So it was a sound proof capsule all along 😑!!! That explains a lot . " what where you saying again " Halogen asked " I have to get out of here ! It's my friends birthday " I apprised nervously.

" No ,you can't . If you get out of this capsule the gamma Ray's in your body will spread and cause various problems " Halogen stated as she increased the blue gas in the capsule .

" oh no ! Amelia will be so angry and disappointed at me , but what can I do ?

5 hours later .....

I finally got of this stupid capsule and went outside in a hurry . I run towards Amelia's birthday party place , but no one was there except for empty chairs.

I tried to call Amelia , but she didn't answer my call . She must be really angry at me.

I went home and arrived late than other days . I opened the door without knocking and continued my way upstairs. I opened the door to my room and layed on my bed right away .

Uh ! I'm so mad at myself for not being present at Amelia's party .

It was an unfortunate moment for me  today . I neither arrived at Amelia's birthday nor said goodbye to my friends who are travelling tomorrow to the US .

I wish I could make up for what I did by reversing time .

I was drawn to sleep, thinking about what I did and what to do next .

At the secret place........

Pv : third person

" we don't have much time to restore the elements. We have 1 month and 10 days left to restore both Plutonium and Uranium " Halogen said while looking at their progress on the computer screen and grabbing her suit from the locker .

" Are the equipments and weapons ready for our journey " Halogen said while wearing her protective suit " we're all ready " they all replied.

" Anakin and Eythor,  you'll stay here and protect the city while dealing with the number of nano bots " Halogen ordered. " Yes sir " they replied.

Halogen and the rest entered the teleportation pod hoping they'll return after a week of tiring voyage .

Not knowing what they'll face on their way , they pressed the button on the teleportation pod and started their journey to their destination.

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