Jack and his tricks

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* yawns * , I woke up early in the morning and went downstairs for breakfast , it was a very bright morning.

The morning breeze is quite relaxing , I watered the plants back door and continued watering the plants at the front door .

Waving at my neighbors and smiling to the people who passed our door , I went inside as Grandma called me for breakfast.

" hey grandma " I greeted " Astrid , you look very excited today " Grandma replied " I know right , I have this internal energy which is making me so energetic " I replied in joy.

I packed my materials and went to the secret place as I exited the house .

I reached the secret place and started knocking at the door , " hi Astrid " Vexi  greeted " hi Vexi " I replied " wait ! Vexi , you're back " I jumbed and hugged Vexi .

" wow , you're looking extra energetic today " Vexi choked as I hugged her very tight .

I entered the secret place and sat on my learning place , everyone was present and Halogen seemed to accept Radon cause she didn't kill him or me .

" I'll be your tutor for today " Eythor said while standing in front of me ,   I started learning with Anakin next to me , he kept whispering funny things as Eythor turned around every second.

After a while something blue and red plane figures blocked my sight .

After a while something blue and red plane figures blocked my sight

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I started getting dizzy and different colours flashed across my eyes

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I started getting dizzy and different colours flashed across my eyes .

" Astrid , are you okay ? " Anakin asked " ya, ya , I'm fine " I replied. After learning for hours , I went to the couch next to The area Halogen was working in.

" guys , we have to reduce the number of nano bots in the city so get ready , we will split to group of 2 , one group will go east one will go west " Halogen made an announcement , " sure , that's going to be fun " Vexi replied. We were grouped to 2 groups , 4 people in each group.

One group with Radon , Arsenic,  Yoji and Vexi , while Halogen, Anakin , Eythor and me were in the other group . We all wore our Gajets including me , it was like the most fun thing to do , finally some real fun is going on.

We exited the place and head towards east , my energy kept increasing every minute , this will give me a chance to fight Jack with all my energy.

We started destroying and busting down every nano bot on our way as we found out their main location.

" good job guys " Halogen said in excitement and confidence " ya ! Wohoo ! " both me and Anakin high  Fived and jumped in joy .

" yay , what a delight " Another person clapped in joy , but it was neither us nor Halogen and Eythor.

It was Jack standing next to the street lights with Inizo besides him , I really don't like her .

" Jack ! " Halogen paused as she saw Jack in front of us  " I came here in peace , I just wanna trade with you " Jack nodded.

" what trade ! We know that you're up to no good ! " Halogen said in anger . " ok well , it's up to you to decide , either you hand over the Radium element or you'll be losing your beloved friend " Jack pittied us , as if he knew something that we don't.

" I have no idea what you're saying exactly , but we'll defeat you no matter what ! " I interrupted.

" do your worst , we'll stand together to defeat you " Halogen replied in her serious tone , " * coughs * " , I started coughing while bending towards the ground .

I can feel that I'm having an extreme feaver and my head is twirling like a bowling ball . My energy was drained entirely all of a sudden and I collapsed on the ground .

" Astrid! " Anakin came close and tried to pull me up , but I started coming with strange and painful coughs . " huh ! Auh ! * coughs * " blood strain leaving my mouth as I coughed harder and harder , the pain kept hitting me even harder .

" Astrid! What's happening to you ?! " Anakin yelled as he shook me hard to reply  , but I was unable to reply cause my breath was getting shorter

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" Astrid! What's happening to you ?! " Anakin yelled as he shook me hard to reply  , but I was unable to reply cause my breath was getting shorter.

" I know what's happening to her , I gave her a mutated virus which I created myself , it has various symptoms such as coughs , dizziness,  colour fracture , energy increase and loss " Jack nodded .

" what's wrong with you!! " Halogen yelled in anger " oh you unwise humans , I told you that you wont succeed in your mission with me on your way , didn't I " Jack smiled as he took a very small piece of glass out of his pocket . The piece of glass contained some sort of light blue liquid inside it .

" this is the antidote , if you hand over the Radium , your precious little friend will be saved " Jack giggled.

" don't do it guys , I'm fine " I said while trying to stand up " time is ticking " Jack nodded.

" fine ! , here take it and give us the antidote " Halogen said while handing the box of elements to Jack . " wait don't " I trembled as I stood up .

Jack and Inizo took the box of elements which Radium is kept in and exited the place while Jack kept laughing ( in a crazy manner ) .

" here " Halogen said while pouring the liquid into my mouth , I swallowed the liquid and the effects of the virus started wearing off , but my energy was completely drained.

We went back to the secret place , I was very angry that Halogen handed over the element we've gathered with all our effort , but Halogen kept smiling as if she did something .

" hey Halogen,  why are you smiling ? We just lost one of our precious element " I asked in complete confusion.

" Haha!! 😄 , are you kidding , ofcaurse I'm happy , did you think I would give Jack the real elements " Halogen laughed.

" wait ! Did you  ___ .  " I paused " I sure did " Halogen replied.

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