Embarrassing 😳😑😶

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" Our dimension is really different , people don't care about each other , all they care about is reaching the highest class " Yoji replied . " huh ? What do you mean? " I asked again.

" There are 3 classes of people in 3029 . Everyone works hard and might even kill each other to reach the higher class , but you people don't. You even help each other to make people happy " Yoji said while looking at the ground in a sad way.

" but why are people in 3029 concerned with being high classed ? " I asked.
" it's called social superiority , that's all people care about " Anakin interrupted.

" superiority ? " I paused " everyone wants to be famous and recognized including us " Anakin added , " but why ? " I asked again " I... I'm not sure " Anakin nodded.

I was very shocked , I never knew the future would be this bad regardless of it's new inventions . " I.. is that why you wanted to do the mission ? " I said while looking at Yoji and Anakin.

" it was , but now , I just wanna make people happy and safe like you did " Anakin replied " your right , our goal was wrong , but Thanks to you we fixed it " Yoji added .

" ow you guys 😊" I blushed a bit and hugged both Anakin and yoji at the same time . " Thanks Astrid " Yoji smiled . Wow this is the first time I'm seeing yoji smile " uh ! So cute " both Anakin and I laughed while pinching yoji in the cheeks " WHAT !!? Stop it you idiots " yoji screamed in anger .

I entered home as Anakin and yoji went to the secret place. What a day .

I went upstairs and entered my room that's when I layed on my bed and slept right away as I turned off the lights.

ND ...

* yawns * I woke up early in the morning and wore my clothes after washing my face. I did my daily activity and head straight to the secret place.

As I arrived, I started knocking at the door " dong !! Dong ! " , " hi Astrid " yoji greeted while opening the door .

I went inside and sat on the couch to continue on my research , but I only found yoji inside the place.

" hey yoji , were is everyone ? " I asked while turning my face towards yoji " they are taking a Sauna bath " yoji replied. " WHAT !!? , are you serious, when did you brought it anyways " I yelled In surprise.

" last month , it was Anakins idea " Yoji replied. Wow there are many things in this place that I don't know about .

I continued my research while yoji played video games. It was a normal morning somehow.

After a while I heard some voices from the hallway of the secret place , Anakin , Eythor and Radon Entered the place we're in , while only wearing towels on their west and rubbing their hairs with another towel .

" EEEEEEEH !!!! " I paused

I panicked a lot and fell on the ground along with my tablet and phone

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I panicked a lot and fell on the ground along with my tablet and phone. The tablet hit my head hard , but I wasn't hurt .

I stood up slowly and the boys were still there wearing only towels . " AAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!! "

I covered my face with my hands and run outside while blushing as if a tomato slapped me and left it's stain on my face

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I covered my face with my hands and run outside while blushing as if a tomato slapped me and left it's stain on my face.

" phew ! " I said in relief as I exited the place , that was the most embarrassing moment I've been in my entire life.

I tried to continue my research while sitting outside the secret place , I'm never , ever entering the place again until they wear normal clothes.

Somewhere in 2016 ....

PV : third person

" uh ! Uh ! * breathing quickly , one of the thugs who threatened Astrid last time with Jack kept running to escape from Jack .

" no where to run , HA ! HA! " Jack laughed , " leave me alone you jerk !! " The man yelled in stress . He pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it towards Jack.

" try it and you're done " Jack said in a serious tone , " shvew !! " the bullet accelerated as the man pressed the gun .

" h....how " the man paused as he saw Jack holding the small bullet which the man shot . " it's called super fast reflexes " Jack smuttered.

He sprayed a green and red coloured poisonous substance on the bullet while the man kept running. Jack threw the bullet with his bare hands and hit the man in the back of his spine.

The man collapsed on the ground and started fighting for his life . " did you learn the lesson of disobedience " Jack came close and smiled at the man.

" this is what you get for destroying some of my nano bots !! " Jack nodded.
" huuuh ! " the man kept struggling to breath , but the poison on the bullet was unbearable.

" I'd love to watch you die , but I have things to do so goodbye . HA ! HA! " Jack  laughed in a loud voice as he exited the place .

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