4 : trying to escape

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" in case you wonder , we are from the future in a mission to save the world, " the fierce tone of the sharp looking girl spoke " ok ,but why do I have to get involved " I asked .

"Only 3 people are allowed to know that we are from the future ,or else the time span will collapse " she replied, " and ? "I asked ," you are one of those people, we can't risk time destruction by letting you go easily " she replied.

" what do you mean " I asked , "we only have 5 months to complete our mission and we don't want a random kid messing it up " she replied .

" I understand, but is it necessary to track me with a device ! " I yelled in anger " Yes it is " The smiling girl from before replied in joy

" ok ! , but know that I will try to escape no matter what " I nodded " yes we know, that's why we put a tracking device on you in the first place " she replied ," 😑" I nodded .

" don't you think people will suspect your not from here " I nodded ," we do ,that's why we are are disguising ourselves to fit in " she nodded while moving towards the stairs.

They started a conversation and talked  for a while. The futuristic people agreed on something , atleast that's what it looked like .

" Modern outfit disguises, activate" one of the people said while pressing their watch , the clothes they wore started changing to the normal  clothes of 2016 . How did they change their outfit without actually touching it ? Inventions in the future are pretty impressive .

" wow ! futuristic " I clapped by hitting the metal on my hand with the floor ," ya , I know right " the energetic girl who tricked me to eat a tracking device smiled .

Now that they wore normal clothes, I was able to deferencate which one is which .

There were totall number of 6 people ,2 girls and four boys ,they looked like teenagers in their outfits ,but the age count in the future may change so I'm not sure if I'm  correct.

" My name is Vexi , and this are my friends ,we are from the future in a mission to save the time or world " the energetic girl said in excitement.

" and I'm Halogen ,this are Anakin ,Eythor , Arsenic and yoji " the fierce girl said while pointing her fingers towards the people she's introducing.

" ok ,and my name is Astrid " I replied ," I have a quick question though " I interrupted " who is that small kid amongst you " I said while looking at the small kid standing behind them .

" this is yoji , he isn't this small back in our dimension , but the portal must've drained his form and made him look like a baby " Vexi nodded ," hey ! I'm not a baby , I'm 17 " yoji yelled ," sure you are you cute little thing " Vexi said while pinching yoji in the cheek.

" stop that ! " yoji said while slapping Vexis hand .

" before we late you go ,promise that you won't tell anyone about all this " Halogen said in a very serious tone " ok ,but don't forget that I will try to escape too "I replied " sure " they all nodded .

" disactivate the hand coughs " Vexi said while simply typing on the air , the coughs started disappearing like the wraps on my mouth.

I stood up slowly and run towards the door ," see you tomorrow " Vexi said while waving her hands " hope not! " I said while running faster towards the exit .

It took me hours to find my way home ,I entered my room and locked it tight ,but I don't think it's going to be useful if they were serious about placing a tracking device inside me .

I hope everything goes back as it was ,what happened today was so confusing, are those people really on a mission to save the world, or is it a scam ?

Either ways I will try my best to get away from them ,though it sounds impossible .

I layed on my bed and flow deep into sleep as soon as I drink warm milk

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