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"Poems From Puerto Verde" took me ages to write. I had lost my spark in writing ever since this pandemic started. Caged in the house, I lack of inspiration. Frustrated with a "death" like this, I wrote in a notebook my cousin gave me during my 14th birthday. Everyday, I come back to pick it up from my shelf to write again. And from then on, I managed to write about 3-4 poems in a day. It felt alive to write again. It felt like the windows are once again open. This book took long months to complete due to school works, but the support from my friends bring this book in your screen today.

All the poems written in this book are edited and extracted from that notebook, and some of the old poems I found on my drafts. I would also be providing explanations and interpretations to each poem as well.

I hope this heals you just as much as it healed me, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thank you so much!

- amedala

Poems From Puerto VerdeWhere stories live. Discover now