22. turn off your televisions

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This world's got no growth
We just hate each other's
We look at multiple other meanings when all it takes is
common sense;
When you say, "look for a solution", Did you mean "let's look for something to be mad of"?
The fuel that drives hypocrisy and hatred is too intense.

Everyone's hearing are destroyed from your church bells, you want Man to look for meaning from a book, not vision;
After given a chance to serve, nobody remembers you
Pride and opinions are another one of God's laboratory mutations.

Countless of times our country trended worldwide
It's just you and your hashtags against you and your views;
You consider a phrase using words with its antonyms a "roast"
Too afraid of showing anger, you scramble all over for a Tweet to use.

How dare you contradict someone that is against your statement?
The said statement doesn't even belong to you;
You yell "Democracy", you yell the name of your victim unknowingly
To keep your sanity, turn off your televisions, none of those reporters can even tell you what's true.

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