3. light against a mirror

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It was raining when
my mother took me there,
A place where people walking
around with their feet bare;
The smell of rain and wood
and the air making me shake like
a leaf,
I watch as my father carried
the box of our kind gifts.

70 families lost their homes,
their beds, their life
A man weeps for his
deceased wife;
A few more cars with help
came to the grounds,
despite the winds thrashing around.

Helping those in need
is like picking up and arranging
pieces of something irreparable;
Helping is urgent and important
whether or not you're capable.

When aiming light towards
a mirror, the light comes back to you;
When you're generous, you give warmth, you make the skies blue.

When shedding light upon
someone else, the light comes
back to you;
Like a mirror, your actions reflect no one but you.

Sometimes the light is
nowhere to be seen,
Gone were the times
the grass was green;
For every roof that sinks,
be the one where they can lean.

Dr. James Doty's "Into the Magic Shop" includes a philosophy that claims kindness "is a social contagion that puts our society right. And ultimately kindness returns back to us, in the good feelings it generates and in how others treat us . . . with kindness."

This poem dated back to the times me and my family donating clothes and food for the victims of the flood that washed over a few parts of Cadiz City. Both metaphorically and literally, "Like a mirror, your actions reflect no one but you" and "When aiming light towards a mirror, the light comes back to you" are true. As mentioned, Kindness is contagious mostly for how it brings a lighter mood to us and to others. That's why some people like to do it publicly, or to be posted on social media.

Things like videos portraying kindness are no joke. People rarely take it seriously for the sake of their aesthetics. When you're kind to yourself, you must know to yourself that kindness is not some jewelry to wear. Kindness is that kind of jewelry you hand to someone and later receive nice things back per the "amount" of help and giddiness you give a person (both figuratively and literally).

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