19. forty-fourth draft

11 1 0

44 drafts sit
in the back of my mind
A collection of mistakes and sad stories, untold tragedies;
My characters move around like ants,
struggling with the unfinished paragraphs, fighting insanity.

They sit here, untouched,
21 chapters with zero reads
Hours and hours turn into just a few moments;
I've got 43 drafts,
will this be the 44th?
This is another one of a writer's Death, when the last thing people think about is content.

I wrote a story of rebellion and women, I felt forced that I need to add romance
Writing felt more like an obligation;
It's agony, a thorn forced into a rose
Here's the real Dystopia, having to throw away 218 Reads, throw it all away once I face realization.

Once I press the "Publish" button,
I pray this'll not be just an addition to my drafts;
It's a person's pain to throw away what should've been their best craft.

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