21. us/them

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Women and men all count as humans, as "them"
"Us" is just you and me, neither woman or man;
The pronoun I get bothered of the most is us/them,
I worry about who's more important, them or us?

"Having a public, keeping a public in
mind," Milan Kundera wrote, "Means living in lies."
Here's the trick question, who's the public, is it them or us?;
Why are the pronouns us/them not
given more sensitivity?
Neither of those pronouns can be trusted.

And when this usage of us/them pronouns becomes eternal,
None of the things we act are lies, or allowances for the public
But rather, they become another mask;
When we learn how to remove the slash between Us and Them,
It would take just enough time for you to find yourself, to undo the ingenuine tasks.

We shouldn't consume so much time fumbling around about our identity once we face the public, we should stop the usage of us/them pronouns. For once, we must emerge "Us" and "Them", until it becomes "Self". People tend to say a few things about themselves then later add whatever the public says about them.

We like to say, "I am interested in _____ because my family insists I should _______."

If you're going to keep this mindset up for a long period time, you can never learn how to fly with your own wings. You can never get the chance to say, "I am _______ because I feel happiness in _________."

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