16. foresee (an informative essay)

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Most people believe that the job of fortune tellers is to show you a promised future. The belief made people raise their chins so high, they thought all would be easy, because their fates were tailored. The misfortunes made us all see bad luck everywhere, it made us walk backwards from the ready-made fates.

I obviously think they're not true. I believe there is something else that serves as the purpose of the fortune tellers and why they show things that'll happen several moments ahead of us.

I'll give you a little trick. When a fortune teller shows you a future of ease and everything you wish for, don't be too comfortable, don't be too reliable that this is the path you'll be heading to. The moment you see the desired visions (be it winning the lottery or living in a palace), don't let go of that light feeling you feel. Think about the ease and the happiness once you reach your goals, inhale it like it was the most pleasant smell your nose has smelled. You use that pleasant scent to guide you. That hunger and urgent need of reaching the things you want will take you there.

Next, hold on to the visions and the lightness, and hold them tight. Get back to picturing yourself in that palace or winning the lottery, add details to it. Who were you with when that happened? What did you wear?

Like I mentioned in Chapter 6, the Maps never show you how tall the mountains are or how long the length of the rivers are. Fortune tellers, crystal balls, tea leaves, and even the lines of your palm can't tell you whether or not you'll reach the things you wanted. Only a Compass can tell you whether your directions are correct, whether or not you're supposed to cross the river.

And so, it's not exactly the crystal balls that show you where you end up. It's always gonna be you. You are the driver of this vehicle. The steering wheel won't turn by itself, and the wheels won't move forward by themselves.

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