4. intentions of passion

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Passion moves so
naturally like water;
It makes paths and leads
directions, either to a puddle or river.

What is Passion?
Passion is the fruits in a tree;
It makes me, a broken bird,
move my wings and flee.

Be it a pen or a brush
you're holding;
Be it the piano or the
violin you're playing.

Passion is the pearl you,
the oyster, make;
The oyster didn't need
a pen or a brush, his pearls
came from nowhere but himself
Every scrape of skill that it takes.

Passion moves and flows
like water,
Passion holds beauty like a flower;
Every creature comes to hydrate themselves,
They travel to it when their lands dried up and shattered.

Passion can't move,
Passion is unable to see;
Like an owl, it needs
to move its head,
Life is a cage and
you must think yourself free.

Author and Illustrator Danny Gregory once said : "Think of how a branch bends, how new leaves arrange themselves, how a tree reacts to circumstance, water sun, wind and calamity. That's pure creation with no pause of harsh self-judgement. (You never hear a pear tree whine, "I'm no good at fruit!")

It's ironic. We say trees are not "creative" when they do make things, while we are not creative when we don't make things."

(From 'The Creative License')

Passion is the paint while skill is the brush. Passion is like some sort of existing color and shade, while Skill is the brushstrokes, the angles, lines, curves. I watch my mother draw so many times and it always amazes me how her hands control the pencil as if they had their own mind. It's all Passion that moves her hands, and her Skill in drawing that creates the picture.

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