10. the closet (pt. 1)

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My flag is red, yellow, blue
but it's not my country's flag
it represents;
I hide a secret as embarrassing
as my hair's scent.

Avoiding He and She, I can't help
but pretend I simp over boyscouts;
My friends tell me "It's okay",
although they know I'm never coming out.

It's so easy to find out
but it'd be so hard for them to forgive;
I sigh and promise no one
will know as long as I live.

Like a rip on a pair of jeans,
my identity hides in this closet;
When I get out, I turn back to close it.

I close my eyes and
count one, two, three;
I'm the only one
who gets to see.

My flag's red, yellow,
and blue, and it's true;
Between "Him" and "Her",
I prefer "You".

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