32. god

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Everyone is a god, the ruler of their kingdom
The farmers of their soil, and the
protectors of their forests;
Man never thinks of handing over everything to his own God, and his heart shall handle the rest.

Everyone has a lush forest on
top of their heads
Their skin so rich and alive like soil;
A beautiful oasis we call Eyes,
And a pair of pillars called our Feet
to walk with though the turmoil.

Human beings go to church
because Man is too weak to digest the
fact that life is meaningless;
They failed to realize we are our own God
We accept that life is meaningless but out heart keeps beating, and we don't settle for less.

Why do we kneel for Him? Why do we submit to Him?
Man holds his hand out to God but soon falls into confusion and misery once He lets go;
Humanity is like a swarm of ants roaming around and waiting for God to leave crumbs
Again, everyone is a god, they hold different lives in their hands, lives they only let go when they're gone.

What is Humanity so afraid of? That God will appear somewhere outside these walls?
Had our lives really become a part of a plan?;
A plan either succeeds or fails, who is this God whose creations scare you and bring you to Him?
When an entity from heaven can't save you, the only God is human.

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