33. puerto verde

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I grew up in Puerto Verde,
our house as old as my age;
The streets appear to be sleeping,
it's almost as if the sun is the only one
What's now a river of sewage used
to be a row of flowers of yellow and orange.

I grew up on my own
in Puerto Verde, me and my parents, and out motorcycle;
I watched the dogs and chickens
What used to be so lonely is a
street full of children playing
The sounds of their chuckles.

I grew up in Puerto Verde
Now in a car, passing a bridge to get home;
I grew up with my sister
We sing songs of fairytale, our voices seemed to be the only ones awake
This lead to the Puerto Verde I know.

I grew up not alone in Puerto Verde,
me, my sister, our parents, and our car;
I watched the children grow and roam
What used to be the sleeping streets are now streets of music
Our neighbor playing the piano from afar.

I walked the streets of Puerto Verde,
I shared the same pain as the pavement;
Puerto Verde wrote this poem
It's too quiet and warm
Don't you dare blink where the magic begins to happen.

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