25. it's okay

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Happiness doesn't come from happiness for which emotions don't come from themselves
This universe can't come from nothing;
To see someone else's joy isn't contagious
But to be someone miserable and see someone who also feels misery, it lights up everything.

Neither of us are happy or feeling worthy of anything
No one else has lightness in their lives
But as the way I see it, it's okay, it comforts me;
Staircases go both up and down
Like a boat, to avoid sinking, we must keep going
I see shadows in you and it makes me feel alive and mutually relieved.

"You're sad? I'm sad, too" is better than a simple "Cheer up"
It means we're in the same boat, we're fighting the same waves;
The stars aren't up there alone, trees grow their own branches, why can't we?
When we fall together, I feel saved.

Poems From Puerto VerdeWhere stories live. Discover now