29. rice field of chances

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Life is a cycle, it's a big circle
Moments from your life will happen again and again
Except it's not you who experiences it anymore, it's the person next to you;
It's seeing your whole life flash before your eyes once again but from another body, it feels too difficult to move.

If you didn't do better the first time you lived in these moments, there will always be chances growing everywhere and anywhere;
But the feeling of fulfillment isn't yours anymore, at least the chances you want to take for the second time never disappear.

For this route to change in a clearer path for oneself, they must lean on someone else, grip on someone when they try on the training wheels for the first time;
The universe expands every second we're alive, it spreads like butter
It's in loops, not straight lines.

If it's not you who falls, it might be the person beside you
You may not feel the misery yourself anymore but that's how it's supposed to be;
There are seven billion of us in this planet, life repeats itself for people who are willing to give it to someone else, obviously.

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