The Mafia

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The air was tense inside of the van, each agent and detective listening in anticipation for the signal. Valerie's leg bounced from where she was perched, her heart feeling as if it were in her throat despite the simple nature of the plan.

She was ecstatic to see Jake again, of course, but there was that looming anxiety of change. What if she had nothing to say? She runs out after the conventional I've missed you. Things had always flowed with little forethought between her and Jake, but what if that had changed? She was desperate for some normalcy, with all that had gone down in his absence. 

The squad had been a great support system, taking her words with a pinch of salt if she were ever acting unreasonably. Unreasonable in normal standards, that is. Even if she felt this overbearing repulsion at the thought of expressing her thoughts in her current mindset, she just hoped they knew she appreciated every hug, every bagel and every smile. She hated to feel doted on, pitied, but after a large amount of introspection she knew this was just friends supporting friends, family supporting family. She just wished Jake had been there, for her own selfish reasons of using him as a lifeline, distracting herself with movie marathons, but also for his own wellbeing.

She knew he had remained unharmed throughout the operation, but she couldn't help but worry it had been sugarcoated, surely there wasn't much room for subjectivity in 'unharmed'.

Valerie was torn from her thoughts as a reassuring hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned to see Amy.

"You okay?"

"I will be." Valerie smiled affirmatively, before the Latina gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, turning back to Rosa.

Then it was quiet again. All that could be heard was the faint sound of Jake's voice through the radio. "... Although, the meatballs were a little dry."

"There's the signal. Go, go, go!"

Wasting no time, Valerie slid off the counter and out of the van, unholstering her gun at her side. The sound of sirens neared as she lead the group, pausing before kicking the front door down

 She definitely could've just opened it, but what's wrong with making an entrance?

"NYPD!" Valerie's voice rang out as her eyes scoured the room for the one person she'd been longing to see. 

And, amidst the chaos, was him.

"Stay where you are! Hands on your heads!" Terry spoke up as he entered behind Valerie.

She'd say that Jake's acting skills were adequate as he looked around in a mimicked panic, however she could spot from across the room the way the corner of his mouth curled upward ever so slightly at the sight of her.

"Hey! Woah-" Jake yelped in surprise as Valerie latched onto one of his arms, twisting it behind his back before pressing him into the table, cutlery and plates falling off in the process. Valerie didn't hold back with her force, as not to arouse any suspicion, it had to look believable.

Side thought that kissing him probably wouldn't pass under the radars of any onlookers either.

"Unhand me you abnormally good-looking narc!" He looked over his shoulder, nodding, "Do it harder."

Valerie was preoccupied surpressing an amused grin when she felt a large hand grab the back of her collar, her grip loosening on Jake. She swung her elbow backwards, managing to hit her attacked in the throat, the man stumbling backwards as he gasped for breath.

Sparing a look back at Jake, Valerie watched as Terry slung him over his shoulder while the smaller man threw a tantrum of sorts.

"Don't tell them anything!"

PARTNERS IN CRIME - JAKE PERALTAWhere stories live. Discover now