The Bet - Part One

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Just a quick disclaimer, I don't like to copy all of the Peraltiago scenes, because Valerie isn't Amy. But I've been struggling with inspo and I really wanted to update so it might be quite similar. Hope you enjoy!

"Heroism can't be measured by a piece of metal. But what else can we do to recognise the brave officers that have put their lives on the line? It is my great honour to present the Medal of Valor to detective Charles Boyle-"

Boyle waddled onto the stage, a bright smile on his face as the room was filled with applause, Valerie making sure to clap extra loudly, her grin wide.

"And Sergeant Peanut Butter."

The officers in the crowd whooped and cheered as a horse was brought onto the stage. Valerie's gaze wandered over to her right, her straight expression quickly dissolving to reveal her hidden amusement as she made eye contact with Jake. Charles, however, looked less than pleased as he glared over at the mammal.

"Oh my God. Charles is getting the same medal as a horse." Jake gushed to Holt.

"At least Boyle was announced first."

"Because the horse outranks him." Jake continued to ramble, the smile still present on his face.

"This is not how I expected this to go." Valerie spoke, her tone wobbly from the laugh she was repressing.

"That's enough. This is a huge honour and nothing can take that away from him." Valerie nodded at the Captain's words before doing a double-take at the stage.

"Except for the horse shitting all over the stage."

Holt glared over at his niece, "Language."

"Sergeant Peanut Butter is pooping on the stage."

Once the ceremony had finished, the two honoured officers stayed to have their photo taken, while Jake and Valerie stood observing from the doorway.

"Uh, can the little guy take a big step back, please?"

Charles frowned over at the photographer, "My name is Charles Boyle. I won the same medal as this horse-"

Boyle let out a scream as he took a small step backwards, not realising he was already on the edge of the stage as he was sent freefalling backwards. He landed with a resounding thump, out of sight, while Valerie quickly pushed Jake out the room as his loud giggles erupted.


Valerie had been walking through the bullpen when she overheard Jake and Amy's conversation, the very topic piquing her interest

She took two steps backwards to stand beside the two as Amy continued.

"I'm winning this bet."

Valerie's mouth curves in amusement as she leant leisurely against Jake's desk.

"Yeah, and my grandma's the Queen of England."

Leaning back in his chair, he looked up at the woman, his expression serious, "I really can't tell whether you're joking."

"Just because I'm British- Ugh, never mind." Valerie gestured over at the whiteboard displaying the detectives' current scores, a cocky grin on her face.
"I'm two points up. Read it and weep, losers.

Jake crossed his arms over his chest, while Amy looked unimpressed, "Brag all you want, I'm gonna win the bet."

"What bet? What are you guys talking about?" The three turned at the sound of Hitchcock's voice.

Terry looked at the man in disbelief, "Seriously? The bet? They've been keeping score all year. It comes up all the time. What are you doing all day?"

"Nothing. Why? You wanna hang out?" Terry stared blankly at his colleague as Amy began explaining the bet.

PARTNERS IN CRIME - JAKE PERALTAWhere stories live. Discover now