Precinct on Lockdown

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3rd Person

Valerie had the first hour of work off for reasons unknown to Jake, but he certainly didn't like it. He had to resort to annoying Amy, but it wasn't the same without someone to laugh with. Of course, the squad just thought he was being dramatic. Valerie had texted the group chat saying that she would be at the dentist for the morning, so they shouldn't be alarmed when she doesn't show up. 

But Jake being the excellent detective (and friend) he is, he immediately knew something was up. He threw a pen at Amy who was sat opposite him, and was rather pissed off after being hit in the face with flying stationary.

"It's so quiet."

"That's the sound of an efficient work environment."

Jake dismissed her remark, "No, it's because Val isn't here. She said that she has to go to the dentist, right? Well, Valerie had her last dentist appointment no more than a month ago, and Val's pretty picky about her oral hygiene, have you seen that girl brush her teeth? You'd think that she was angry or something."

"Brushing her teeth?" Amy looked up at Jake, eyebrows raised.

"We have sleepovers, what about it?" Amy smirked at his response, looking back at her computer.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, you pervert. Most of the time we just play Mario Kart."

"Most- What happens the rest of the time?"

Jake glanced around, his ears turning slightly pink, "Shut up."

Amy snorted, logging onto her computer.

"Wait, Ames. Why do you have flowers with you?" 

"Captain Holt's uncle passed away. They weren't close, but I wanted to do something."

"Flowers are a bold choice, Santiago, but I can still beat you."

"Beat me at expressing condolences?"

Jake wheeled his chair around towards her desk, "Yep, it's on. Flowers are a gift, and Captain Holt hates gifts. I think a thoughtful email is the way to go here. 'Dear Captain, we were all so sorry for your loss.' group sentiment, very meaningful. 'Please let us know if there is anything we can do'."

"Very respectful." Boyle spoke up from behind Jake.

"Correct, I am the king of respectfulness, bitches!"

"Hey, did you send that from your personal or work account?" Amy questioned, eyebrows furrowed. 

"Personal. It's a personal matter involving a personal friend and his personal uncle." Jake answered, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"So you remembered to turn off your signature, right?" 

Jake froze, "Oh, no."


Meanwhile, a few miles away, Valerie strolled down the street, frowning down at the pavement. Truthfully, she didn't go to the dentist, she just didn't want anyone to ask questions. Nevertheless, she didn't enjoy lying to Holt, but she convinced herself that she'd tell him eventually. But perhaps 'eventually' will be too late. 

The elevator dinged as the doors slid open, multiple heads turning her way. Valerie cringed at the thought of the scolding she would get from Holt for missing almost an entire day of work, but she figured that working some overtime this evening would make up for it.

PARTNERS IN CRIME - JAKE PERALTAWhere stories live. Discover now