Ava Jeffords

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With the internet down and paperwork piling high, things were not exactly running smoothly in the precinct. Especially in the absence of Terry and the earth-shattering fact that a very pregnant Sharon's water had just broken in the interrogation room.

Jake was speed walking around the precinct in search of extra pillows when the elevator chimed, the doors sliding open to reveal Valerie.

With a wide-eyed frown, Jake approached the female detective, "Val! You're supposed to be at home resting after your dental procedure this morning."

"That's just advice, it's not mandatory! Plus, the city needs me..." Valerie spoke with her words slightly slurred.

"I'm sure the city will manage without you for one day." Jake played along.

With one hand holding her arm, the other on her back, Jake steered Valerie back towards the elevator only for her to shake him off, "No, the city is just code for Gina on this occasion. She texted me on your phone that she was afraid Sharon was going to explode. And I love Sharon! I love her most when she's not exploding. She also sent a very long rant about being out of data."

Letting out a frustrated huff, Jake took her hand, pulling her towards the interrogation room, "Come on."

On her way, she passed a bald uniformed officer, who was unprovokedly complimented on his 'very shiny head' by the female detective.

Her eyes lit up at the sight of the woman, as if her presence was a complete surprise, "Oh, my goodness! It's Sharon in the interrogation room." 

She concealed the woman in a hug before Jake spoke up, "She's in labour."

Letting go, Valerie stared at Sharon with wide eyes, "Oh, my God! We have to get you to a hospital!"

"No hospitals!" The three around her chorused, with a multitude of emotions. 

"Oh, sorry, did I say hospital? I meant hospital." Valerie corrected (incorrectly).

"No hospitals." Sharon repeated, "Terry and I agreed on no hospitals. It's a part of the plan."

Giving her a thumbs up, Valerie slumped into the remaining chair, heading lolling backwards for a moment before she looked back up as Sharon began to talk to Terry over the phone. 

"Okay, Terry. I love you. Just hurry back." She finished before handing the phone over to Jake.

"Hey there, Sarge. Everything is totally under control. As you know, her water broke and she's had a couple of contractions. And- hey, Sharon, how are you doing vaginally?"

"I'm torn between feeling glad women's health is becoming a more open conversation and feeling grossed out by vaginal being used as a verb." Valerie chimed in.

"Yes, Sarge. That is Valerie, and I know she's supposed to be having the day off but Gina panicked and called in reinforcements. Yeah, and she is super high still." He looked over at the woman in question who threw up a peace sign in response. "But I think she's gone from hyper to chill so she's kinda mediating the vibe. So, did you wanna just meet us at the hospital-"

"No hospitals!" Terry's voice sounded from the phone, perfectly in time with Sharon. 

"Yep, my bad, I forgot for a sec. Got it. Cool, cool, cool. No hospital. I am picking up what you're screaming down."

"Last time we went to the hospital they pushed me to have a C-section, didn't have enough rooms and the anesthesiologist was a med student who stabbed me in the spinal cord ten times before he got it right!" Valerie's features were fixed in a comical grimace as she listened to Sharon's recollection.

PARTNERS IN CRIME - JAKE PERALTAWhere stories live. Discover now