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After they are all separate from one another. MJ and Jinjin decided to have a conversation inside their room. Jinjin finally start the conversation "I never expected before that Eunwoo will did that kind of thing to save my brother" Jinjin said while he is really appreciate of what Eunwoo has been done. MJ then said back "It not that kind of surprising by the way. You might probably recognized me not feel any shocking of what Eunwoo done" with the sigh at the end. "Why you are not surprising at all, does all of this thing seem normal to you guys?" Jinjin asked curiously. MJ then explaining back "It not that normal as it should be but it also not beyond my expectation" MJ said while watching all the furniture inside his room waiting for Jinjin to continue the conversation. Jinjin the asking back "Does Eunwoo usually being like this? I mean like helping each other like this" Jinjin asking while clarify his question in case MJ understanding him wrong.

MJ then answer Jinjin question back "Yes, he does. That how he behave since he was born. He being like this since I remember. If he see someone as his friend he probably sacrifice himself to save his friend no matter what. He never taking his life into an account, even though the situation is so risky. He probably trusting you guys so much, cause he probably not using his brain at the time. He trust his instinct that he have that he should save him and he just doing it right away" MJ further explain Eunwoo behavior. Jinjin then further said "Well, we are on the same side. If I'm not trusting you guys, who else am I gonna trusting for" Jinjin said while looking at MJ in the side of his face. "That is what I'm scaring of, to trusting someone" MJ said with a sigh at the end again. Jinjin the asking back "Why then? Are you guys not trusting us?" Jinjin asked while he was somehow being more intense as the story being told bit by bit.

MJ answering back "Of course I'm trusting you guys, if I'm not trusting you guys while am I bringing myself in such a danger place like that and believe that your guys are on my back, supporting me" MJ said back while his emotion I'd building up from before. Jinjin then asking back "Well, then why are you still scare about to trust someone?" MJ then further explaining his point of view to Jinjin "How am I not going to afraid about it, somehow these trusted feeling make us losing someone we love. Because when we trusting someone. We don't actually know that, are they gonna trusting us like I trusting on them. Are they not gonna stabbing our back in the end? Are they not gonna betraying me with that poker face and act like nothing is happening" MJ said while he is into this story so much without he realizing himself at that moment. Jinjin further said something more "You are probably seeing it in a bad way" Jinjin said while trying to lift MJ mood up as he can. Cause he feel bad of asking such a terrifying question to him.

"Of course I need to looking at it this way, I have hurt from the people I trusting with all my heart... probably uncountable time already" MJ said while he is about to being so emotion and start to cry. "You...umm.... I'm not sure if I can ask but... why are you so afraid of trusting someone like this" Jinjin asked in a fragment cause he don't know what else he can do. He trying to peeking himself inside MJ world, he just don't want him to face this cruel world alone. From all the thing he has been carry on his shoulder, whether he have to taking care if his younger brothers. Or taking care of other thing as a parent should do. He doing it all alone and no one probably know how much he has been kept to himself since the pass recent year.

"Yes, you can. We are friend now and I'm happy to share this with you if you want to" MJ said while turning himself with a tears trace streaming down from his eyes. Jinjin using his hand wiping all the tears streaming along MJ face then said "Of course I wanted to know about it, can I?" Jinjin continue as quite as he want to listening more about it. "You can, if you are not going to bored about it" MJ said while smiling a little bit. Jinjin now is thinking so hard to himself. How could that precious man like him being like this. He always wearing a widest smile but hiding the deepest fear. "You have never told me anything, how could you know I'm gonna get bored listening to that?" Jinjin said while nodding his head as a sign that he should start telling his story.

"It all start from when I and my family was younger that time, you probably know that Eunwoo is somehow special more than each and everyone of us. When he was born he has been the talking of the town, as he should have not be born cause he considered to be the most disgusting person as we classify him to be. No one ever accept that a single vampire can build up a family with a normal people. They are all thinking like that, vampires consume human blood so how could if they are getting marry together someday, the woman herself will not be dead from his husband sucking her blood. It just impossible that this can happen. They are hundred percent sure that someday, Eunwoo mother gonna die from her own husband. But the story seem not like that. They all prove to almost all of the vampires that Eunwoo father can live with her without drinking her blood. After that everything seem pretty fine until they giving birth to Eunwoo. From that no one else ever believe it gonna happen. A child with half blood, he is either not a normal human and either not being a vampire as he should be. He is like a mutant who is not belonging to any of the species. I feel bad for him. How could such a child like him have to hearing all trash words yelling about him at this age. He trusting me and he also trusting Sanha. I feel down for him and also myself. I'm trying to keep this as a secret and not telling him. Which the thing  I need to do is to telling him right after I know about it. I'm telling his past life now and he have to trying to adapt to it quite fast. Because the situation forcing him to do it. I feel like, I'm destroying Eunwoo trusting feeling toward me" MJ finish his story while turning himself to Jinjin sitting next to him.

This is the second boy love story that I write. If you want to read more about my story. I also finish my first book name "The Best of Me" you can read further if you like. I'm trying so hard to writing this story so please supporting me and if you have any comments or any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know by chatting with me. I will be online as much as possible to read your suggestions. Thank you so much for your time reading my story. I hope you enjoy. See you next episode.

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